Changes & Happenings…

June, 2016

Since our last note…

A new address for us – we’ve made the decision to move to Mount Vernon, WA, a community about an hour north of where we’ve been living in Woodinville. It’s about half-way between Seattle and Vancouver, BC. Many have asked “Why?” Some family connections in the area, a good housing option, and what appears to be a good environment with good resources for Sky to start his high school years. We’re moving this month and will be at our new abode by July 1st. Please change your data for us to:  1150 Burlingame Rd, Mount Vernon, WA, 98274.Screen Shot 2016-09-03 at 12.39.39 PM

A quick trip to Japan – from May 23rd – June 2nd Tim and Sky took a fast 10-day trip to Japan. It came about rather suddenly but the main purpose was so that Sky could re-connect with former classmates at the Christian Academy in Japan and be part of their 8th grade graduation celebration. We had a blast and even had a chance to visit our friends at the Isesaki Church, stay at our bible camp on Mt. Akagi, and spend a couple days in Gunma going through our stuff and getting a head start on shipping some of that back to the US. The photo below is a wonderful meal we shared with Pastor Kogure, our long time colleague in Gunma along with his wife Megumi and daughter Akari. DSC08298

Jim & Hydi Peterson hosted us up at Akagi Bible Camp – here Sky is with Hydi and their son Miles…


Lilla graduates high school!  On June 14th Lilla finished up high school. It was fun to see her and 400 other seniors from Woodinville High School graduate in the Xfinity Arena in Everett. Pouring rain…. which sort of reminded us of Sam’s graduation in Tokyo 2 years ago.


Looking ahead…

Thanks for your continuing prayers during this transition. We listed most of these in our last bulletin but we share them again with you here:

  • We are still seeking employment – nothing specific to share with you at this point but we have a few possible leads and are feeling confident that God will provide. We’re actually hoping that Andrea can avoid full-time work until she finishes up her dissertation sometime around Thanksgiving. Mount Vernon is within 30 minutes of Bellingham to the north, and 30 minutes of Everett to the south- so it is an area with many opportunities. Thanks for continuing to pray with us.
  • We are both attending the ECC Annual meeting in Phoenix from June 23-25 which will give us an opportunity for some formal closure and meeting & greeting colleagues.
  • We will be traveling to Japan from July 28 – August 18th to deal with all of our belongings that are still there in storage…. as well as to say goodbye to good friends and colleagues there. Unfortunately Andrea won’t be able to go during the summer but hopes to make a trip there in the Fall.
  • Andrea will be traveling with a Japanese colleague to the Women’s Triennial Gathering in Kansas City from July 25-28 and then visiting several churches on the East Coast following that.
  • Our official date for ending our service with Covenant World Mission (Serve Globally) is set for mid-August.

So we continue in the throes of moving, job hunting, and finishing up school years. Sky is already on a soccer team in Mount Vernon and Sam is gearing up to start a summer research internship for the next 10 weeks at the University of Washington. Lilla will be joining her brother there in September. While this transition is a road we had not imagined walking at this time…. we’re feeling very protected, blessed, and pretty excited about the days ahead. Thanks for your many notes and let us know how we can be praying for you as well.

A few more photos if you want to scroll down:
A few more graduation shots – Lilla with Andrea, her Grandma Barbara, Sam, and Sky


In mid-May Lilla enjoyed an outing to her high school prom – not with a single date – but with 8 other young women! – I guess that’s a thing these days…. Her pals, the Hummer limo that picked them up, and her papa dropping her off…

DSC08177DSC08208DSC08224Finally, a beautiful shot from near the Akagi Bible Camp. The scenery and fresh air were just magnificent during our recent visit. Praying for a dynamite season of camping up there this summer!


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