Labor Day Update…

It’s been a very busy summer since we last communicated with all of you. Here’s our attempt to give you the digest version…

From  Tim:

Move Completed – By the beginning of July we were safely moved out of Woodinville and into our home in Mount Vernon. Moving is never much fun but this one went as smoothly as could be imagined. We’re still visiting 2nd hand stores and checking Craigslist for furniture deals… but are feeling more settled each day. Lilla and I went for a hike today on Little Mountain, a nearby bluff that includes a city park with lots of trails. Here is a northward view looking down on some of Mount Vernon.image2

ECC Annual Meeting in Phoenix – Andrea and I had a wonderful visit to Phoenix (June 22-26) where we took in the annual business session of the denomination, visited with many friends, old and new, and were recognized for our 27 years of service. It was both humbling and encouraging to sense the support of so many as we strike out in new directions. Here we are with beloved colleagues. World Mission folk at Annual Meeting in Phoenix

With Dave Husby (Covenant World Relief), Grace & Bob Shim (Asia Regional Coordinators), Janice & Al Tizon (Al is executive minister for Serve Globally).

Japan Travel – from July 28th to August 18th Sky, Lilla, and I went to Japan to say our goodbyes and to re-pack / dispose of our personal belongings that had been in storage for 2 years. Andrea wasn’t able to be with us because she was traveling with a Japanese colleague to the Covenant Women’s Triennial event in Kansas City (more on that below). It all felt a bit rushed but we were able somehow to deal with our stuff, say goodbyes to missionary and Japanese colleagues and friends, and even enjoy a few days up at Lake Nojiri in Nagano.DSC08717

Lilla put in several long days working with me at the storage facility going through all of our stuff and repacking items that were to be sent by ship back to the US. DSC08862

After worship at the Isesaki Church on August 14th.  DSC08854

And sharing lunch together.DSC08878

We used Akagi Bible Camp as our home base for several days. We also enjoyed taking part in the denomination-wide CRC (Covenant Refreshing Camp). Hydi and Jim Peterson were great hosts and provided us with all we needed. Here they’re cooking at the BBQ. DSC03985

Our Japan Covenant family that gathered for retreat at the Akagi Bible Camp on 8/14-16.

Employment – yes, many of you have asked how the job hunt is going. We officially finished our work as missionaries with Serve Globally last month. On Friday, Sept. 2nd, I finished the part-time paralegal work that I have been doing since last November. So as of today….(9/5) I am really without work. Feels a bit strange. We thought by now we would have something to report… but we are still on hold, and awaiting responses from many job applications. Thanks for your prayers and concern. We feel very “taken care of” and protected by our Father in heaven and feel excited about what lies ahead. We’ll be sure to pass along the news once we see a few more details fall into place.

From Andrea:

Covenant Women Triennial and the East Coast – What an amazing time I had traveling with my dear friend Kinko Hiyoshi from the Nagaoka Covenant Christ Church in Niigata, Japan. It was an honor and privilege to translate for her at Triennial and in churches of the East Coast Conference. She shared with power and vulnerability how God brought her to faith, called her to ministry with her husband in Nagaoka, protected and challenged her family in the midst of a major earthquake, and has deepened their desire to share the love of Jesus with those in distress and raise up the next generation of leaders through working with youth. On a personal level, we enjoyed time like we’ve never had before to talk and laugh, process, cry, pray, and dream together. Thank you, Covenant Women Ministries, the East Coast Conference, and all who hosted, drove, fed, and cared for us, for this precious last ministry opportunity for me through Serve Globally.  IMG_20160809_174022778

Kinko Hiyoshi & Andrea…enjoying many fine moments. IMG_20160801_210039825_HDR

With friends at Thomaston Covenant Church, CT  IMG_20160812_162550916

Kinko, Yumiko Nakagawa (Pastor at Highrock, Brookline), and  me at Showa Boston Institute for Lanuage and Culture

God is Taking Care of Us!  – Although we are in “free fall” with our work and ministry futures totally unseen, we’ve been startled by all the not-just-a-coincidence ways we see God’s care for us and also our kids. Mount Vernon High School seems like a great place for Sky (he’s already playing Select soccer, on the varsity tennis team, and has a good class lineup). He’s been surprised that several other kids from the team are involved in Covenant churches near us. Sam is enjoying a break in Australia after his research internship at the UW, and Lilla is eager to start university there in a few weeks. Thank you for your prayers. DSC08978

Sam, Sky, and Lilla on a recent hike near Mt. Baker.

Ministry in the Meantime – Here is how I keep myself busy apart from taking care of the family and digging weeds and rocks out of our yard…

  • writing my dissertation about prayer and the experience of forgiveness for Japanese/English bilinguals.
  • serving on the planning committee for RJC (Reaching Japanese for Christ) Pacific Northwest 2017.
  • facilitating/doing spiritual direction at two retreats in September, one in the PNW and one in the Midwest.
  • exploring possibilities for connecting with Japanese students in our area, and with Japanese friends and ministry connections online.

From both of us… thanks for being there with us and for us. So many of you have sent encouraging words to us over the summer. We promise to stay in touch…

Here are a few more photos if you’re interested…. just scroll on down…


A couple more pics from east coast travels. Kinko with New York  friends…IMG_20160811_134405699_HDR

Fearlessness and Reverence: a surprise message from God seen in a shop in Concord–I want to live at that “intersection” both in my relationships and the challenges I face even when I’m tempted to jump out the fire escape! DSC09016

We had a great hike on August 24th up in the Mt. Baker / Snoqualmie National Forest area. Andrea’s brother Garth was our guide for the day. Here, Sam showing off… and causing some frightened screams from Mom and sister…DSC09015

3 more weeks until UW life starts for Lilla!DSC09029

Sky on our final traverse… Mt. Shuksan in the background.

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