3/17 Earthquake Update03.17.11
Tonight I’m writing from Kobe. The kids and I together with another missionary mom and her kids decided that this was the best decision for now. Our guys have stayed in Tokyo and are praying and waiting to see what their next steps are. The reactors are not looking good. Attempts to cool them with helicopters dropping water and by ground based high powered water blasters do not appear effective.
Additionally, a gap between the Japanese news and the US news has started to become obvious. I’m checking the news from Kobe, so that may have something to do with it, but it seems like a lot of the programming has returned to normal in spite of the ever more alarming statistics and stories which are coming out. The US embassy is suggesting that American citizens leave the country and is making arrangements to provide transportation to locations in Asia.
As we took the train through Tokyo, it felt surreal. I’ve never seen Tokyo so quiet, so empty. Lights were out in stations, vending machines in some areas shut off. People looked tense, quiet; perhaps denial, perhaps resignation. The bullet train station out of Tokyo going west was crowded past capacity, as I’m sure were all subsequent ones with many women and children and a few businessmen. We are among those rich enough and independent enough to flee. Half of me wants to stay with my husband and neighbors and friends, and half of me is speechless with gratitude that we have left the area.
The crisis in the quake stricken areas continues to intensify with the lack of water, food, fuel, blankets, medicine….almost everything. PLEASE PRAY for everyone in those areas and all who are trying to help them. Things are really desperate and survival is in question for thousands and thousands of people. We are fine, and struggling with the weight of that.

Your plea for prayer continues to be heeded and spread to all.
When you say US embassy suggests American leave the country, do they mean people from the whole country? We heard on US news last night the US embassy suggested a 50 mile radius from Fukushima to evacuate (which was a larger area than Japanese officials were suggesting for their own people). Thought that was confusing. I’m sure you struggle thinking of evacuating but other people won’t have that opportunity. Each life just as precious.
sigh… yes, praying
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Posted by Dawn Langjahr on 12/13/09 March 17th, 2011 at 11:21 PM
Here is the quote from yesterday’s US embassy warden notice: The United States Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) recommends that U.S.
citizens who live within 50 miles (80 kilometers) of the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant evacuate the area
or take shelter indoors if safe evacuation is not
practical. The State Department strongly urges U.S.
citizens to defer travel to Japan at this time and those
in Japan should consider departing. On March 16, 2011,
the Department of State authorized the voluntary
departure from Japan of eligible family members of U.S.
government personnel in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Yokohama.
This Travel Warning replaces the Travel Alert dated
March 13, 2011. We do not feel any immediate need to leave the country but if returning to our area of service in the near future does not seem viable it would have to be considered.
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Posted by Andrea Johnson on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 8:10 AM
I’m so grateful for your updates, and I want you to know that we are praying constantly for you and the entire situation in Japan. The kids at my school have started a penny drive for Japan!
Stay safe. We will send extra prayers out for Tim.
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Posted by Sonja Anderson on 12/13/09 March 17th, 2011 at 11:26 PM
I pray for you and all of Japan frequently throughout the day. Your blog is helpful. May God continue to guide and protect you.
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Posted by Diane Q on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 12:02 AM
Thank you for your updates. The staff of Bethany Covenant Church in Mount Vernon, WA is praying for you as well as Petersons and Hayworths. Watching the news, one feels so helpless. Yet, one sees small glimpses of how God is redeeming this tragedy of unreal proportions. Know that He is using you and your family as part of that redemption.
Thank you for keeping us informed, and helping to make the television and internet images personal, real, and tangible. It is so big, without this one could become numb and desensitized.
Grace and peace,
Ken Wagner
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Posted by Ken Wagner on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 1:03 AM
So good to hear that you, Tim, and the kids are safe after the earthquake/tsunami! Thank you for your continued updates of the situation and of expressing the needs for which we can pray. I can only imagine the ‘tug of war’ you must feel in your heart of protecting and providing for your own children and at the same time wanting to help the many who are in greatest crisis there. Despite the helplessness that we all feel in not being able to do more, we must remember that an all-powerful God stands in the midst of this catastrophe and that our PRAYERS MOVE THE HAND OF GOD to provide wisdom, strength, and courage to those who are acting as His feet. My continued love and prayers go out to you, Tim, Sam, Lilla, Sky, and all the people of Japan. May God provide peace and deliverance.
Love your friend from 25 years ago in Lockport,
Sandy Strezo
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Posted by Sandy Strezo on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 2:01 AM
Sweetie, we can only imagine your position at this time. There are really no words left to say. We stand with you at this time and all of the beautiful people of Japan. Our hearts hurt for all.
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Posted by Julie on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 2:22 AM
Hi Andrea & Tim,
Thank you for the updates! All of you have been on our minds and hearts throughout these days! We are in constant prayers for all of you, for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Japan, and for all of the Japanese people as a whole. In the face of the enormity of the subsequent disasters, words fail… We’re glad that you and your children are safe! May the tender grace of Jesus, the boundless love of our God, and the comforting presence of His Holy Spirit be with you at every moment!
Grant Christensen
Bremerton, WA
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Posted by Grant Christensen on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 2:37 AM
Sounds like a good plan to go to Kobe. Thanks for the update. We will remember Tim in Tokyo.
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Posted by Kristine on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 7:52 AM
I am so happy to hear you, Tim and the kids are safe. You are in my constant prayers. I know God will watch over you and Tim.
Always your friend,
Lori Plesha
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Posted by Lori Plesha on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 9:42 AM
Keep the faith, my Internet friend; You are a first-class writer and deserve to be heard.
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Posted by 中信房屋 on 12/13/09 March 18th, 2011 at 6:39 PM