Traveling or Canceling? Ministry or Chaos?

Aunque la higuera no florezca, ni en las vides haya frutos, Aunque la falte el producto del olivo, y los labrados no den mantenimiento, y las ovejas sean quitadas de la majada, y no haya vacas en los corrales; Con todo, yo me alegrare en Jehova, y me gozare en el Dios de mi salvación. Jehova el Señor es mi fortaleza, El cual hace mis pies como de ciervas, y en mis alturas me hace andar. (Habacuc 3:17-19 RV)

Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls – Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my s
trength; He will make my feet like a deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills. (Habakuk 3:17-19 KJV


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Thank you all for your prayers this month. There is power in community and it is shown in mighty ways.


October was supposed to be a month of travel, courses and ministry. Instead it was a month of travel adventures, being flexible, and seeing the difference between our North American strikes to get the attention of the government and how Ecuador and Chile got the attention of their governments.


In Bariloche, ministry continued with Hora Feliz with BetEl, teaching Jehova Nissi who we are as Covenant and the affirmations, ladies groups, youth groups and English with lattes. My days have been full between ministry, studying Spanish and taking the Mission of God course (the latter is proving to be a challenge because of the internet or lack of this month). I have been encouraged by recent conversations with Pastors both here and in Canada. There were also times of relaxing with my family here as we celebrated birthdays, shared meals, and even got in a few hikes.

Ecuador faced an economic crisis when the fuel subsidy was taken away. Protests led to road closures and violence. A state of emergency was declared. A vision trip was cut short and the North Park University Issues of Faith travel course was cancelled. Even though I won’t be able to attend the rescheduled course, I gained a wealth of knowledge from all the required readings and look forward to pursuing this topic at a later date. This course has not been lost and ministry has already benefited.

And then there was Chile. An increase in transit fares that was the tipping point to unrest led to some huge marches, toque de queda (curfew) that was ignored in some city centers, looting and property destruction and a state of emergency. But it also saw one of the largest, peaceful marches in Santiago. The next day there was unity and peace as thousands of people, from all different backgrounds, religious group and communities, gathered wearing white to clean up after the march. Neighbours and gangs joined forces to protect their stores and homes.

I continue to be guided and protected in all things. No, I didn’t get to go to Ecuador but had I, my flight from Ecuador to Santiago, Chile would have landed right at the start of the major issues and I most likely would not have made it to CIPE (Confraternidad of Evangelical Covenant Churches). Instead. I traveled with a group of 4 others from my church. The triannual event of CIPE reminded me of a mini Midwinter. There were people from Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Uruquay, Dominica Republic, Brazil, USA, Chile and Argentina. Yes Canada was represented but I was more a part of Argentina during this event.


I met missionaries from Norway and Sweden, and part of our METE (Missionary Equipping and Training Event) team was reunited. It was great to meet the new executive director of church planting Alex Rahill and his wife Marcie. Jon from Norway shared about his ministry work and Remy provided an educational and amazing workshop. The week was filled with rich conversations, much needed workshops about LGBTQ+, abuse in authority, abuse and familyviolence, peace and reconciliation and so much more. It was encouraging to hear about kingdom ministry work that was being done all around the world. I watched youth encourage and uplift each other, share about victories and challenges, and saw such wisdom and the Holy Spirit moving and at work. Many people didn’t make it to the event because of everything that was happening in Chile and several had to leave early. But we were completely safe and you would have never known anything was happening in the country.

It was exciting to welcome Pastor Pablo from Brazil and his church into the Covenant family. The Culture Night was full of joy and laughter as countries shared a bit about themselves. Music, dancing, food, and of course proud Argentina asking forgiveness for their best and worst in the world (I really hope someone got a video of this). A lot of fun was had by all. My plans to stay and visit and participate with the Covenant churches in Concepcion, Antofagasta and Calama were postponed until a quieter time but I was blessed to travel home with Pastor Hector and Norma, Claudia and Nilda. There really is never a dull moment when you travel with family like these guys.

The Election in Argentina was smooth and without any major protests. Still to be seen I’m told by Norma, who by the way, was quite happy I was back home sooner then later, even if it was only for a few days. At least I was still able to fly to Colombia for the Latin America Missionary Retreat.

I am writing this update on a very turbulent flight actually. Multitasking and the ‘to do’ list. Connecting with mission committees had me making videos this month – I’m learning this so I apologize for the basics. It also forced me to do some reflecting on my ministry, my own spiritual growth and self care. It opened the door to start the discernment process for the future. A future unknown, the next stage of this race, that I have committed to. I have accepted this new life, I continue to walk faithfully where I am led, trusting and knowing that all is prepared, and I only have to obey. I have the choice, the decision, and the privilege to obey and to allow others to see how God works, prepares the way, uses our trials and our victories for good and great. I can look back and see the big and small details, the paintbrush strokes of the Father, the master creator. Events that happened to allow other things to be accomplished are made clearer. I am thankful. I am grateful.

What are you grateful for? Can you name three things you are thankful for that only happened because of something else; both of which you had no control over? Where are you being challenged, pulled out of your conform zone? Let go and experience something greater then you could ever have imagined!

November will be an exciting month. My first missionary retreat and seeing people from the office I haven’t seen in over a year. Connecting with other Missionaries, learning about their ministries, victories and challenges, workshops and I’m sure so much more. The second Merge group will be coming to Argentina. This time to Bariloche and my churches here. I am also preparing to serve with the Acts29 school that will take place in Chile and Argentina. Jan-April 2020. This is a great opportunity for youth over 18 and young a adults to participate in a three month discipleship/mission school. It’s open to you in Canada and the USA and would be wonderful to see you here. Leaders and students can apply by Nov 15. Ministry will continue to grow as I serve more and more with all of the churches. Jehova Nissi is building their second floor apartment to provide a place for visiting pastors and missionaries as well as a temporary home for families misplaced due to fires or other disasters. This is a project Pastor Luis shared with Max and I and it is a blessing to see it coming to fruition.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I have been encouraged, uplifted and affirmed in my calling to serve in Argentina.

Blessings to all of you!

Don’t forget to note the new contact info:

WhatsApp: +5492944314950 – This is the best mode of contact

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