First things first: Contact Upates:
Some very important updates first…. wait…. where’s the ice cream? 8303 family?

Mailing address for the ECCC has changed:
PO Box 2247, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1K2
Mailing address here in Argentina:
Cacique Purran No 4019, Barrio El Frutillar
(8400) San Carlos de Bariloche
Provincia de Rio Negro, Republica Argentina
WhatsApp: +5492944314950
I will fulfill my vows to you O God,
and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help,
For you have rescued me from death;
you have kept my feet from slipping.
So now I can walk in your presence, O God,
in your life-giving light.
Psalm 56:12-13

First off, I want to apologize for the lateness of my December update and for not keeping in contact as much as I should have; especially these past few months. This update will be a bit longer since I’m capturing two months and life here as one year ends and another begins. One of my goals to work towards in 2019 is being a better communicator.
December… yet again another month of change…. a month of celebrations… a month that ends a year. A second year of change…. a year of some big decisions… a year of exciting and scary big steps of faith… a year of healing… a year of growing.
In my last update I shared about my new apartment and I am settling in. It is a wonderful space and I enjoy loving on others with meals, cafe con leche (lattes) and visits. Cafe con leche has turned into a bit of ministry as we share lattes just as much as we share mate.

I am thankful for the family I have here in Argentina, for the friendships, for the family and friends I have in Canada and the USA. I am grateful; for the deep, close friendships that have grown and developed even more; I am blessed; I have so many close friends here in Argentina and there are a few I have been able to share this journey of grief, this new life with. There are too many to list but I do want to share one with you. I live close to one of my best friends here. Literally less than two dozen steps from door to door. Norma. I pray that many of you will get to meet her. God was in the details back in 2016. The friendship that started then has continued to grow and deepen. We have shared many, many conversations, lots of laughter – even in the midst of being serious (falta palabra), and lots of tears. She has been that ear to listen, that shoulder to cry on, the presence that doesn’t need explanation. She just knows, when it’s a good day and when it’s not. She has been there on the days of excitement and praise, and on the days when I needed picking up from the valley bottom. We have fun together, with games, 4fotos 1palabra, walking together to school, peliando (picking on each other), laughing, worshiping, praying, and being present in each others life. Together we are learning about introverts in an extroverted culture.

The Youth Event was great. A lot of fun for everyone and even real life application of what it looks like to live as Christ and how we respond to situations, to conflict. The feedback has been encouraging. For the workshop I gave and for my Spanish. It was wonderful to see friends from all the churches, and meet new friends from Chile. We even had that conversation of ‘Hey, you’re from Canada… do you know….’ And as it turned out, I do – The Lantz family! Covenant Connections everywhere.
I’ll post to
FB a video of the activity at the end of the session. 
December was a whirlwind of visitors from within Argentina; La Plata, Neuquen, Beratzetagui… There were many great conversations, mate, chocolate, ice cream, hikes, and worship. I think I need more exercise for all this food. It doesn’t matter what country you’re in. There’s always more food in December. There was outreach to communities with Pan Dulce, there was outreach from member of our church community to other churches and assistance with raising the roof (really, putting a roof on). There were opportunities of hospitality and sharing my home with great friends. There are endless photos of hikes and food. While there was many times of enjoyment, I’ll be honest and open with you. The last few weeks of December felt like a fight with the heart and spirit. I am learning to join the two in the next steps of this grieving process. Learning to use the trials and challenges of life for God’s glory. Refocusing and being renewed, for the future, for the hope and joy that is there. It also brought about a lot of reflection, prayer and being reminded of complete surrender; walking in faith and trusting the unseen; and obeying – with even more conviction then before. Tu voluntad, no mio, tuyo.

We shared laughter at a comedy event in town, and even more laughter after when we discovered the parking lot closed (locked gate) an hour before we got to it – good thing the missionary had her Sube card. Hector’s phone lost battery power and Joaco lovingly shared photos of Tio’s adventure on his own WhatsApp Status. I think I heard more laughter than, questions about do you need a ride home?
Yup – that our car in there, and the gate is padlocked. No worries, we can take the bus (good thing they let you go one ride in the negative on the card) Still smiling on this adventure
January started with prayer at the lookout across the lake from Bariloche. Prayers for this coming year, thankfulness for this past year, prayers for the community and country. There were powerful times of prayer and worship in the church. The Holy Spirit is alive and moving. January has a firmer foundation, a firmer grasp on the Father’s hand, a firmer focus ahead.

I have been encouraged and uplifted by cards, notes of encouragement, whatsapps and emails. There is no way to fully explain or put into words what this means to a missionary and how important your prayers are and knowing that we are in your thoughts and prayers. I was absolutely blessed, encouraged and spoiled by visitors from Canada. A wonderful way to start this year and it was very special for me to be able to share a bit of this life and ministry here with them. We attended church services, hiked, drove to Villa La Angostura and San Martin and El Bolson, we shared meals of asado, pizza, made empanadas, and even went fly fishing in the Patagonia. A very, very special time with very special friends. I was spoiled with goodies that were mailed to me and were brought down. Spices, peanut butter, espresso, coffee, and my ‘safety gear’ aka casco. I was blessed with a camera and as I learn to use it, I can already see that it will be a hobby that is restful, relaxing and probably used in ministry. As with prayer, I cannot emphasize enough what it means to have someone come and visit. To be a part of my life and ministry here. It is a powerful way to support and encourage your missionary. Thank you Mike and Ineke for starting 2019 here in Argentina with me. And thank you for bringing a bit of Canadian winter with you. Cooler temperatures and even snow on the mountains and at the ski hill.
School. There is always school. Learning more – tenses and conjugations (these are never ending it seems), vocabulary, expressions and so much more. I pray continually for a greater grasp and memory of everything. I am currently on track for taking the International Language Certification Exam in November. I am still enjoying school and everyone there. One more month to go.
The residency process continues; and continues to be ever changing with the government too. New policies and procedures in place this month. IPEA and I are learning together.
I am looking forward to experiencing and being a part of the ministry here as it unfolds and grows. I am compelled to serve with open hands and a surrendered heart. Thank you for being a part of this ministry, of this journey, of this life.
Prayer and Praise
I will forever be thankful and grateful for each and everyone of you. For your prayers, your support, your friendship and your presence in my life.
Praise and gratefulness for the ECCC and the ECC – it is exciting, wonderful and I am humbled to be a part of this family – to be a Canadian Covenant Missionary! I am proud to be an ambassador for Christ with the Covenant!
Prayer requests include: the residency process, continued learning and studies and the upcoming exams
Prayer for 2019 and the continued ministry here and a clearer view of my role in it. Prayers as I move from school and the known, more into new ministry and the unseen.
Prayers for Argentina as they face economic issues, and for the churches as they respond
Praise and rejoicing for the family and friends that I have here
Prayers for the Asemblea in March where a new President of IPEA will be elected.
Praise for the little details and times of joy. Of driving around the lakes and areas, of hiking in the mountains, of times of rest.
Prayers for Merge teams, individuals, couples and family that are looking to come to Argentina
Praise for the funding that has been generously provided

Support Options
I’d love to connect with you all. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about anything – Visiting your church, Missions, Argentina, ServeGlobally, Prayer Support, Financial Support
From Canada:
Mail your donation:
Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada
PO Box 2247
Strathmore, AB
T1P 1K2
write “Global-Argentina” in memo
– select Global Argentina
Etransfer to
– write “Global-Argentina” in memo
Online at …
From USA
Evangelical Covenant Church
8303 West Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631
write “Colleen Nahnychuk Support” in memo
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