Hope & Anticipation
Death, Resurrection and Life – All leading to Hope, All leading to Healing. The intensity of the Easter Season, which flowed along with a very light tax season and constantly moving forward towards missions and Argentina; sometimes felt like God has stepped on the gas pedal. It started off slow, one door open at a time to step through. Then there were two doors open, and now more. And each time I step forward; there’s also a new gift. A reassurance and confirmation. I am learning still who I am as Colleen, apart from Max and Colleen. I am finding my feet, my footing, and walking forward. I am still carried, probably more than I realize it and I am finding my voice. I am definitely in a different space now, then I was seven months ago, then even four months ago. It is good to feel; to know in the heart, the hope and anticipation of the future. I’m not saying this is easy, but it is possible, and I am willing. Thank you all for your prayers, support, friendship, and walking this path with me. Know that you are all appreciated and loved.
April and this first week of May have flown by. There were the last few days of x-country skiing, hiking in the snow, and now in the green, and in the warmth of sunshine. I started sharing our journey, my story of surrender and obedience at our local churches, and at others like Strathmore and Erickson. Yes, this quiet introvert who loves to serve quietly behind the scenes, actually spoke for twenty-five minutes on several occasions. I can even hold the microphone without visibly completely shaking. No, this is not becoming part of my comfort zone, but I am being stretched and stepping into areas I never thought I would go to.
I was taught about journalling many years ago and this continues to be a part of my healing. Looking back through them, I came across an entry where I noted that a very close friend had commented on wanting to hear my testimony and about sharing my story. My response: not a chance, not ever going to happen. And in my journal I had a written about a strong sense from God that this story wasn’t ready to told, it wasn’t over, there was much more to share. Whoa, yeah… this story is much bigger then six years ago.
Spring has sprung. Speaking and sharing at churches every Sunday since March 25th. Attending the ECCC AGM in Winnipeg, and now some time in Norquay and then looking to revisit some churches on the way back to Nelson. The gas pedal is stepped on, moving into second, third and fourth gear, but at the same time, putting some days into neutral where things are still moving forward, but I can pause, breath, rest. While it has had it’s moments, I’ve enjoyed reconnecting with people, meeting new friends, and being encouraged by so many conversations.
As I was driving through the Rockies, it was reminding me of Argentina. And I was comforted by how I am being cared for. I’m not going, being sent somewhere I don’t know, where I don’t know anyone. I am going someplace where I have been already. I am going to friends. My home here reminds me of my home in Argentina and my home in Argentina reminds me of my home here in Canada.
The next couple of months will be finishing putting things into storage, getting in a few rides on the KLR and a some time on the water in the kayak. Preparing for leaving Canada, saying Goodbye and preparing for arriving in Argentina and saying Hola. I will be at Gather’18 and it is looking like the first week of July I will be heading to Argentina. As Max would say, from the far North to the far South. I’ll be missing our Kootenay summer and experiencing an Argentine winter. Winter to Spring to Winter. Okay.
I am uplifted in prayer, encouraged and humbled by your commitment to support. Thank you to everyone who has already supported, continue to support, and those of you looking to support. Your commitments with both prayer and financial support is such a blessing.
I’ll continue to put mini updates and posts on the blog. I’ve had some help with this update, so forgive me if I’ve missed correcting something. It’s interesting typing with the fur ball walking across the keyboard or playing with my moving fingers.
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. The devotional Jesus Calling, really speaks to me about steps of faith. It says ‘If you live your life too safely, you will never know the thrill of seeing the Father work through you’. The thrill, the adventure of this journey The Hope of the future and even the glimmer of excitement and the anticipation of the future and what it holds. In Brene Brown’s book Rising Strong she says ‘…moving out of powerlessness, and even despair, requires hope. Hope is not an emotion. It’s a cognitive process – a thought process that happens when we set goals, have the tenacity and perseverance to pursue them and believe… Hope is learned… it is a function of struggle’. And this hope I feel is the goal of walking in His will, having the trust and obedience to pursue and faith to believe. Wait a minute – there’s that consistent theme again. I’m listening… Are you?
Prayer and Praise
Praise and thanksgiving for the community of friends and family who continue to surround me and support me and be the hands and feet of Christ. Your conversations, your presence is appreciated more than I can express.
Praise for the current financial support that has already come in. This is a two year commitment and I thank you all for your partnerships. My goal is to be 100% funding before going to Argentina and I am already over 93%.
Prayer for strength and rest, discernment and guidance, for this grieving process
Prayer for the next steps – speaking at churches, reconnecting with others, continued language study, final fundraising and the last minute preparations.
IPEA – Iglesia del Pacto Evangelical Argentina -as they move through the Vitality Pathway, and prepare for my return

Support Options
I’d love to connect with you all. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about anything – Visiting your church, Missions, Argentina, ServeGlobally, Prayer Support, Financial Support
From Canada:
Mail your donation:
Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada
PO Box 23117
RPO McGillivray, Winnippeg, MB
R3T 5S3
write “Global-Argentina” in memo
Online: covchurch.ca/giving
– select Global Argentina
Etransfer to donate@covchurch.ca
– write “Global-Argentina” in memo
Online at … covchurch.ca/nahnychuk
From USA
Evangelical Covenant Church
8303 West Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631
write “Colleen Nahnychuk Support” in memo
Online: covchurch.org/mission/cnahnychuk |
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