Monthly Archives: February 2018

Building in Baja

This last weekend we had the great privilege of traveling from San Diego to Ensenada in Mexico.  Ensenada is a beautiful city on the pacific coast of Mexico’s Baja peninsula.

Our group crossed the border into Mexico at about 8 …

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Retreats held in the Rain Forest!

A couple of weeks back I asked you to pray for the retreats that were held in Cameroon for our students and staff.  Thanks  so much for praying – both retreats went well.  I am excited to share some of …

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Raising a Roof in the Rain Forest

One of the distinctives of life at Rain Forest International School is RAIN.  During certain times of the year we can have torrential downpours most afternoons.

This plays havoc with sports practices and tournaments.

Thus the desire to build …

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Retreats in the Rain Forest

The Superbowl is coming up this weekend and when we are in Cameroon that means that we are about to leave on the school retreat.  We are not physically present in Cameroon this year, but by prayer we can be …

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