Living Under a Legacy

Some people might think that living under a legacy is a difficulty.  But in my experience it has been a blessing.   Before I even arrived in Congo the legacy of Paul Carlson was providing comfort and direction for me and my extended family.  I never meet Paul, but that does not diminish his powerful presence.


Paul Carlson

Paul Carlson


Paul  was a Covenant missionary to Congo in the 1960’s and was martyred as a result of staying to treat his patients.  The story of Paul’s work can be read about here .


I do know his widow, Lois, and through her his legacy has been a shelter.  She could answer my questions, pray with understanding and share the joys and trials of living in Congo.  Paul’s legacy to me was a people who welcomed me to Congo.  They were eager for another missionary to come and to invest in their lives, just as Paul had done.  I hope not to have the same legacy of martyrdom, but I do pray that I will leave a legacy for those that follow me that will be an encouragement and a positive influence.

Laying flowers this week at Paul's grave in Congo.

Laying flowers this week at Paul’s grave in Congo.

(I am sorry that this was not posted on November 5 but a lack of electricity prevented this.)

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