This was construction week for us here in Cameroon.
First the bridge we need to cross to get to school each day has gradually become more broken down until finally it was only occasionally safe. It is possible to go another way to school, but it is farther to drive and there is heavier traffic. The result was that the school worked with the community to rebuild the bridge.

Once the placement of the boards for the subdeck was determined, brackets were welded to the I beams so that the boards of the subdeck could be secured.

The boards of the driving deck were cut to the correct length so that they will rest securely on the subdeck of the bridge.
Additional construction this week included the pouring of the second floor slab (which is also the ceiling for our apartment) of the new hostel. After watching concrete being poured onto the second floor by a bucket brigade or by the wheelbarrow load, the use of the concrete pump was a marvel to behold! It took only 12 minutes to put in place five cubic meters of concrete. Of course it still needed to be worked into place, smoothed and so forth, but the time and energy savings were incredible.

Closer view of how the concrete mixer dumps it load into the pumping truck and then the concrete moves into its intended place.
Finally, I do not want to lose sight of the most important construction work of all – the lives of students and staff that are being constructed and refined as we work together as a school at RFIS.