Posts under ‘News’

From Raising Chickens to Growing Tomatoes

What? Really? Switching from raising broilers and laying hens to growing tomatoes? That is what the Kitengela Covenant Church in Kenya did with their greenhouse over the past year. Simon Kamau is the pastor of the church that started a …

Library night at the Ekstrands

Last week we started opening our home one evening a week for library night. We invited the CEUM leadership and employees to come read the French magazines, journals and books we have. We have a subscription to the journal CONGO-AFRIQUE, …

Drought Relief Provided by the Kenya Covenant Church

“The place is very dry. Camels are the means of transport in this region,” reported Pastor Simon Kamau, Moderator of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya (ECCK) after his team returned from distributing $5,000 worth of corn, bean, rice and …

Success and Failure with Artemisia

Which do we talk about—the 10% success or the 90% failure? We had both. Whichever we focus on, we have learned some things in the process.

We are trying to grow Artemisia, Artemisia annua anamed, which is used extensively around …

Moringa to fight Malnutrition

A colleague of ours in Congo, Marta Klein, has started growing Moringa in order to help fight malnutrition in Congo. The little seedlings are growing strong! Check out her blog and the post on Moringa that she wrote.  To …

Successful fields of corn in South Sudan

Thanks to the partnership between the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCS) and Community Covenant Church in Scotts Valley, CA these fields of corn are growing well in Malakal.


Community Covenant initiated an agricultural project with the ECCS …

Graduation reception Congo style

Sunday afternoon we attended the graduation reception for Giselle Nkakala who graduated from the Institut Superior Technique Medical (ITSM) on Saturday. ISTM is the university level nursing school in Gemena. It was a
festive affair with over 100 in attendance …


Yes, you read that right: we flew home to Gemena on Saturday. It was a long time in time and a confusing morning, but we’re home. On Friday, Pastor Danu, the man who checks on the flights in Kinshasa, checked …

1 + 1 + 1 = 1

Really?  That doesn’t make sense.  Maybe not normally, but in Congo this month it does.  To return after our US vacation we fly commercial from Kinshasa to Gemena.  So we bought a ticket on Hewa Bora airlines only to have …

It’s a Small World After All

It’s really fascinating how many times we end of making connections with people we meet in various places across Africa.  Here’s one more.  For the week we’re waiting for a plane to take us home to Gemena we’re staying at …

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