The “People and Gardens” group’s visit

Wow this has been a very busy week for Roy, working with the gardening group from Cornwall, England,  People and Gardens, (click to see their website).  They are a group for helping people, specifically those with special needs, to …

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What is most important?

I have a necklace that I really like, it’s a cross and a map of Africa, separate, but hanging together on one chain.  When I put it on in the morning, I make sure the cross is resting on top …

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Back 2 Eden is on instagram, thanks to our sweet Anna!

Check it out!!

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Good news from CEFA

Benoit sent a couple of photos from the CEFA farm.  Cocoa is being harvested, as well as the continual collection of palm oil heads, which is encouraging.  They are keeping up with the farm and village visits, as far as …

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Back 2 Eden is fluorishing

It is very exciting to see the growth and even production by some of the trees and plants at the Back 2 Eden farm.  Some of the coffee is blooming,

the jackfruit is setting fruit,

and other plants like the …

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Snakes!!! Always snakes!!

Walking along the path down to our house from Sam n Anna’s, I almost stepped on this adder.It slithered off into the grass before we could remove it from the area.  There are definitely varying ideas around here about …

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I was able to visit Masinenge, the closest settlement in our area, on Thursday, with a woman who has been ministering there for 8 years now.  Shantytown is probably a better word for you to picture the place.   This little …

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God’s creation

No matter where we are, God provides beauty and interest for the eye!  Here are a few snaps from this past month.

What?!  I included a spider in with the flowers?!?!?  It has its own kind of beauty, though I …

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Visas applied for, now we just wait and pray!

It’s time to apply for visa extensions so that we can stay longer than just 3 months in South Africa.  We turned in our applications on Friday and we would dearly appreciate your prayers.  The hoops we have to jump …

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Back in South Africa – thank you for praying!

Dear Family and Friends,

Wow.  Thanks for your patience with our time of blog silence.  The past month was full to the brim with family and friends as we celebrated Dad’s life together, as well as getting involved in the …

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