Almost out of water

Water is not to be taken for granted here on the South Coast of South Africa.  We have been without municipal water for some time, and rain has been very sporadic lately, but Roy and Zweli have been able to …

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Thankful for random eye fulls

Our creator God is an awesome God.

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Avril the bromeliad and dragon fruit buddy

Roy was able to connect with Avril, a fellow tropical fruit and plant enthusiast.  She is the friend who donated the dragon fruit plants to the Back 2 Eden in exchange for fruit trees for her orchards, and now has …

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Which method will work best?

Roy and Zweli are planting grow bags and tire gardens at the side of Back 2 Eden’s nursery tunnel, to see which yield most and quickest and which stay moist with watering.  These are local solutions for a bit of …

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Zimele Wethu visit

Our dear friend, Audrey, from Zimele Wethu in the Pietermaritzburg area, came, along with a colleague,  to visit the Back 2 Eden farm, to help us brainstorm about getting out into our local community with the idea of self help …

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Megan DuPlessis Centre for Special Needs Students


We have started a lovely relationship with a school just up the road, the Megan DuPlessis Centre for special needs students.  Roy has been there a couple of times now, and they came to the Back 2 Eden farm …

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Yay!!!  Thank you for praying!!  We have been issued our visa extensions, which are good until our visit to Covenant missionary colleagues in Mozambique in April!!  Then, when we return from that visit, we should receive another 3 month free …

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Strange weather

November was crazy weather month for South Africa’s southeast region,  sometimes right in our backyard, but the most destructive occurred at least 2 hours away.  First came a small earthquake, a very rare occurrence, and very exciting for many.  Thankfully …

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Tea time!


We recently had a lovely visit with our grandson Sawyer’s best friend, Dhylan’s, family.  Over the years we have been blessed by so many welcomes and impromptu tea times, it makes us realize we have been the ones on …

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Genesis Care Centre

I’m back at the Genesis Care Centre, helping out in the nursing director’s office, doing whatever she needs done to help work at the center go well, to free her up for more important tasks.  This past week I’ve been …

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