Category Archives: Prayer requests

An important stop along the road to Yaounde



We were on our way to the capital, and had expected to visit friends in a little town near one of the big refugee camps.  These friends had fled CAR last year, and have kept together through many …

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Leaving them on the edge of their seats!


Roy and I have been watching a couple of different TV series, given to us by dear friends in the name of member care.  I’m not sure that I’m made for being patient waiting for the next show, especially …

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Goodbyes in the town across the river

We said alot of goodbyes last week and it is always with mixed feelings that we leave Africa and head to the states for a year.  We leave behind dear friends and look forward to time with friends and family …

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Every day stuff!

blog meat grinder


Here’s our long time helper around the house, Sylvie, grinding beef up into hamburger. I guess you could call her our Mixmaster Supreme! Sylvie has been our helper and dear friend, like a daughter to us, for almost 17 …

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Let’s rebuild our village!



Roy, sharing from his heart, about what it means to follow Jesus, to live that out day to day.  He really wants to see this group of people understand that rebuilding the village is good, but doing it because …

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Thank you for praying for us on our Covenant prayer book day, the 12th!

blog bible storiesI had had a very good visit across the border with different Fulani friends.  One friend is finally getting better having suffered with filaria for some time.  Now we just have to figure out how she can get her cataracts …

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Muslixms still in CAR

blog Fulani still in CAR Jan 2015Just a heads up to keep praying for relations between Muslixms and non-Muslixms here in CAR.  Pray for healing and peace, reconciliation and restitution.  There have been tremendous losses and hurts on both sides, and we just have to keep …

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Vegetable garden co-ops! Amazing!

Roy & Tom & Nadege, our veggie garden specialist at CEFA, visited 3 co-op gardens across the border among the Fulani refugees the other day.  They were super encouraged by the energy and obvious enthusiasm for taking care of these …

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There is hope for reconciliation in CAR! Please keep praying!

car map

While there are maps being circulated showing the proposed division of the country of Central African Republic into 2 separate entities, the president of C.A.R. has sent out her cabinet ministers with UN reps to start up reconciliation initiatives in …

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Thankful for rain!


We had our first rain since November, and boy it was a gully gusher complete with hailstones.  We were rushing back to the farm to close our windows, but had to pull over under a tree to try to …

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