Category Archives: Family & Friends

Travel to South Africa AND Roy’s doctor’s visit

Our travels from Cameroon to South Africa went quite smoothly, well, except for a couple of hiccups at the Yaounde airport.  They called us to open our luggage way back in the bowels of the airport, after we had checked …

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Long ago and far away

Upon arrival to Yaounde, we were fed a yummy meal by long time buddies from Congo days, Carolyn & Jeff Stoker.  It was so good to catch up on all their family and work news.  Then we spent the next …

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We are so very thankful for family and friends, health and strength, the beauty of the earth around us, and the gift of being able to serve in CAR and South Africa, using the talents God has given us.

We …

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Roy’s hip

Please pray for Roy, he’s suffering with deep pain in his right hip.  We are so thankful that we are going to South Africa and we already have an appointment for him with the top notch orthopedist who helped with …

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We’re in Yaounde after a wonderful delay!

We were on our way to Africa via Istanbul with Turkish Airlines (why? you ask?  cheapest tickets!) and got delayed.  We missed our flight due to Turkish Air, so they put us up in Istanbul for 24 hours.  What a …

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Pictures speak a thousand words

Here are a few pix from our wonderful summer in the states (we previously posted Roy’s folks and siblings):

CEFA USA board: Larry, Dave, Roy, and Byron

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Three little blossoms

Over the course of a few weeks, we watched this little viola send out one, two, three beautiful flowers, in spite of having its roots in the crease of the cement of the front steps.

At the same time we …

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Delighted, joyful!

What could be better than a gathering of family, for fun, food, and fellowship?  Roy’s brother Scott flew to California from Michigan, so all 3 siblings are present this week. My sister Laurel even popped in for an afternoon!  We’re …

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Finishing up, for awhile, in South Africa

Bless his heart, Sam continued to use Saturday free time to complete finishing touches on our house right before they left for the states. The house is fine to live in, as is, but there are still plenty of things …

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Corneille was a friend, a man who loved the Lord, whose gift in technology was a gift to the evangelism team based out of Gamboula.   He was always ready to help us out at the farm with the internet system …

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