Category Archives: Family & Friends

Roy’s dad passed away

Roy’s 92 year old dad has left us to go “fishing with Jesus”, as our bro-in-love Tim puts it!  From a routine CT scan turned suspicious on June 24th to a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma on July 31st

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Celebrating Mom & Dad

You won’t find a sweeter, more caring couple than Roy’s mom and dad.  If you want to see an example of what marriage can be, they are amazing!  Their love for each other, for the Lord, and for anyone around …

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Nathan’s visit

This has been a whirlwind week; Nathan Conrod and his two sons came to Gamboula for a visit.  The boys wanted to hang out with their good friend, Timote T., in his home village, and Nathan wanted to be with …

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After our little farm family church one Sunday, the farm manager’s wife suggested that we use our offering to bless the poor and needy across the river, rather than just amassing our bit of cash to pay for our Sunday …

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Cute kids! Always!!

I may face disgruntled soldiers at border crossings, or be overwhelmed by the requests for rides and meds and help, but I tell you what, I’m never without some cute kid nearby, wanting to hold my hand or carry for …

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After church meal

Last Sunday, May 26th, which was supposed to be Mother’s Day here, our little church family out at the farm decided that we would have a meal together.  We had a guest speaker, Pastor M, who often does …

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Our dear friend and colleague, Anton, is resigning from his position as Africa coordinator with the Swedish mission’s Interact.  There is a committee to take his place, with ex-missionaries (we know them all and think they are great choices) heading …

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A dear friend has passed away

Hajja J, mom to some of my closest friends, and my own dear friend since our arrival to CAR 21 year ago, is gone.  She went to meet her Maker on Saturday.  She will be missed, her smile and warm …

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Mother’s Day has passed by, but mothers’ love is here to stay

I am ever so thankful for our sweet, loving, Jesus-following mom whose smile can brighten your day and whose hugs can warm you in your coldest moments

I am thankful for the two boys who made me a mom and …

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Missing Jan & Kim

As I visit with Fulani friends on both sides of the river border, one of the questions I hear most is “how are Jan & Kim?”  We all miss them.  They left plenty of souvenirs behind, some are tangible and …

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