Category Archives: Family & Friends

Flowers, always flowers, for joy!

Roy is a heliconia and bromeliad fanatic, and we get the benefit of all the beautiful and strange flowers he plants.  Anna and the kids went on a walkabout on the farm and came up with this gorgeous bouquet and …

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Leopard Rock

Leopard Rock is a favorite spot of ours, to go for a Sunday drive and eat on the deck of the restaurant that overlooks the gorge.  Hornbills  hang around in the trees near by, waiting for people to toss them …

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Zweli, the farm manager, and Roy’s buddy in all ag work, had a birthday this month!  We took him a cake and sang happy birthday to him and he was blown away.  Just over a cake and a little loving …

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Delighted to have dear buddies visit

Mike and Mindy, best buddies from  college  days, are here with us for a week’s visit.  We are excited to be able to share what’s going on in our lives here in South Africa, and they get to see first …

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We had a lovely Christmas, full of friends and family, carols and candles, and we hope you did, too, remembering always the real reason for Christmas.  God’s love.  God’s free gift of grace.  As we look forward to 2020, our …

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Tea time!


We recently had a lovely visit with our grandson Sawyer’s best friend, Dhylan’s, family.  Over the years we have been blessed by so many welcomes and impromptu tea times, it makes us realize we have been the ones on …

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Back in South Africa – thank you for praying!

Dear Family and Friends,

Wow.  Thanks for your patience with our time of blog silence.  The past month was full to the brim with family and friends as we celebrated Dad’s life together, as well as getting involved in the …

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Safe and sound in South Africa – for a bit

Oh it is so sweet to be with family!  We were able to “get away from it all” for four days with Sam and Anna and kids to a favorite lodge in the Free State, South Africa.  It was a …

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Benoit and Laurentine’s new retirement house blessing

Benoit and Laurentine have just finished building their retirement home.  It is a lovely place, situated with a lovely view and not too close to the hustle and bustle of roads and market noise.  We celebrated with them and we …

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Retirement party at CEFA

June 21st we woke up at 4 am to the sound of gentle rain falling.  Normally that would be a very welcome sound, but that day was the day of our retirement party, to take place outside.  Thankfully the …

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