Category Archives: Family & Friends

The outdoors guy

Roy loves to work outside, and he has had all manner of projects he’s been helping with on the kids’ hobby farm. Here he is working on putting in a fence for pasture for the goats.  Does it look cold?  …

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from stage to heating

Our son’s father-in-law, Kim Cone, who is doing amazingly well in his recovery from hepatitis, put in many hours creating this tiled stage.  Our budding ballerina Maddie took advantage of it for the short while it was empty.

Now it …

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A perfect Thanksgiving celebration site

Our daughter-in-law, Kimia’s, grandparents in Winona Lake were able to reserve their community meeting center for the family’s Thanksgiving feast. What a great room, with a large well-equipped kitchen attached, with a big entry hall and nice bathrooms! The room …

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Miss Liberty & Kirsty

Oh we had a lovely time with our niece, Kirsty, in NYC.  We visited Ellis Island and Miss Liberty and mostly just enjoyed catching up with Kirsty.  It was humbling to understand better what immigrants had to go through.  We …

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Picking the perfect pumpkin

and having fun at the pumpkin farm in the meantime!

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Budding pianist and ballerina?

Maia plays away while Maddie dances!  Good combo!

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Happy 1st Bday Maia!!!!

We celebrated Maia’s first birthday before we left for California.  She was delighted with her cake, a caterpillar, and even tried the black licorice antenna without wincing!   A girl after her Grampadee’s heart.  She fed just about everyboday bites of …

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Over the bridge

From mission connections full time over time input to the U.P. (Upper Michigan). To get there, you have to cross the Mackinac bridge, and boy I was not exactly looking forward to it. The last time we crossed, we had …

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Grandkids are the BEST!!!!

I just skyped with our daughter-in-law, Anna, and our two grandchildren in Spokane, WA.  Skype is an amazing thing, to be able to talk and see and laugh with people a bazillion miles away!  Here are recent pix of our …

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Roy’s birthday!

Happy 57th Birthday, Roy!!!  That’s a yummy triple chocolate ice cream cake inside, a great idea for a HOT summer night!

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