Category Archives: Family & Friends

Safe and sound at Kribi!

We are at the beach now, enjoying peace, rest, good friends, and taking in the glory of God’s creation. We are thankful to be away from Gamboula for now, but we are in prayer for our African buddies left behind. …

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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day OR Happy Guys Throwing Things Day!

Ben Wilkerson is our resident wannabe Sean Connery – not because he’s a world famous spy, but because he’s a SCOT!!! Ben, who is more Irish than Scottish but definitely prefers claiming the latter, organized a Celtic sport celebration, and …

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Another hitchhiker?

Well, not exactly.  We picked up the chameleon, below, on our trip to Yaounde, but we went to Yaounde to do some shopping for construction supplies and to  pick up Timothy Chapman, who has come to be with us for …

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A hitchhiker

There we were, Luke Turk, Roy, Heidi Renkema & I, tooling along on the dirt road portion of our trip to Yaounde, Cameroon, last week, when all of a sudden, Luke puts on the brakes and says, “chameleon!”  Luke is …

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Our visitors from the capital are all gone

There seems to be continued “relative” peace in the capital, and all our friends who were with us, mostly over Christmas and New Year’s (we had a total of 58 people at our mission station one night) have either returned …

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A brand new Noren in the world!

Sunday night, just before midnight, after a panic prep (because the labor progressed so rapidly) by Dr. Tim and minimal help from Aleta, Esther Elikia was born in the guesthouse next door to Danforths at Gamboula.  The mom, Mary, is …

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Our buddy Yugudxxa

Please pray for this man, son of Chief T.  A few years back, he was kidnapped and held for $11,000 ransom.  The family scraped together the money and he was freed, and your prayers had a part in that.  That …

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Santa Lucia

What a nice surprise! In the morning, on Dec. 13th, along came Ruth Noren with a beautiful white “dress” (her mommy’s blouse, I think!) and a candle and some yummy sweet bread and butter to share! In the photo is …

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This is us, as of this week!

A little more gray/white, a few more wrinkles, but boy howdy we’re still smiling!

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Please pray for Desiree

Our energetic local veggie grower has been through an extremely tough time over the past couple of months.  He is under treatment for severe pulmonary tuberculosis as well as being on AIDS meds.  We thought we might lose him and …

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