Santa Lucia

What a nice surprise! In the morning, on Dec. 13th, along came Ruth Noren with a beautiful white “dress” (her mommy’s blouse, I think!) and a candle and some yummy sweet bread and butter to share! In the photo is Ruth and her mom, Mary, and her brother, Michael. They are at Gamboula with us, waiting for a new member of the family to show up!
In years past here at Gamboula, we had EARLY morning visitors, like sometimes 4:30 am early! The Swedelets would come, with coffee and pepparkak0r (crisp gingerbread cookies) and the girls would be in white and the boys in red, complete with Santa (tomte) hats. They would sing the Santa Lucia song in Swedish, giggling all the while at the biggest girl in the bunch with candles in her hair! Don’t you just love the holidays!

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About danforth

As Covenant missionaries, we are working with all the tribal groups of the Central African Republic (CAR) but are trying to give special attention to the Fulani, a Musxlim, cattle herding, and semi-nomadic people group. We live on an experimental/training farm, near a mission station which has a hospital plus bible and nursing schools. We are establishing relationships with the local people groups through compassion ministries; Roy through agriculture and Aleta through public health and visitation, in order, ultimately, to share the good news of Jesus the Messiah with them. CAR is one of the least developed countries in the world and is currently in continual crisis (since the coup in March 2013), so reaching out in compassion is key to reaching their hearts. Due to the ongoing conflict and resultant ethnic cleansing in CAR, we are crossing the border to interact with our Fulani contacts.
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