Category Archives: Family & Friends

Grace’s florist shop

Awhile back, Roy was able to help out an enterprising friend in Cameroon.  Grace was in the process of setting up flower fields and a florist shop.   A part of Roy’s spare time and hobby interest is raising flowers, mainly …

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Tambaya has passed away

Roy & Tambaya smiling


Our dear, dear friend, Chief Tambaya, passed away on Sunday morning.  He was an amazing man – so loving and kind and funny and welcoming.  Never did he throw his weight around; he was a respected leader in the …

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Ah, the JOY!!! and the sadness.


Our kids were recently together for the last time for awhile, as Sam(on the right) and fam leave for Lesotho, Africa, with MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) on Aug. 3rd.  They had a great time together, but had to say …

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Thankful for freedom!!!!

I know, I know, it’s already the 10th, BUT we didn’t celebrate July 4th (which was a Thursday and a non-holiday here) until July 7th, and internet has been a challenge lately.  So, here I am, saying I am so …

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What do YOU do when you turn 60??

Okay, so this email is 2 weeks late, but I just got the photos off Rose-Marie’s camera yesterday.  (o;

blog RM bday (5)

Rose-Marie gave her own birthday party!  She invited a whole slew of friends for a big noon meal, complete with a …

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Stories from across the border #4 women of faith

You may recall my writing of a women’s bible study that carols on Easter mornings.  I joined them one year and was blessed to tears.  This year on Palm Sunday, March 24th, a splinter group from the Sel-eka regime had …

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Roy & the Turks on an important trip!!!!

If you noticed me writing in the first person singular just now, it’s because I’m by myself for a bit.  Roy and Luke and Leanne Turk

took off this morning for a 6 day trip to the border town here …

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Home away from home

Here at the SIL/Wycliffe guesthouse in the big busy city of Yaounde, we each have our own little cubicle rooms with bed, table & chair, and wannabe closet, but we share bathrooms and the dining area and kitchen. I happen …

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Random acts of kindness

The power was out last night, and there we were, Roy & I, sitting at our computers, in the dark, sweltering in our little room at the SIL/Wycliffe guesthouse in Yaounde. It is a small room with no cross ventilation, …

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Kribi! We are blessed!

Here are some images of our time at the beach thus far. We have been here since March 28th, and have enjoyed many different configurations of friends before, during, and after our Covenant missionary fellowship. Sometimes serious and worshipful, sometimes …

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