Category Archives: Family & Friends

Thank you, God, for protection!

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Roy and I were reunited in Yaounde after a month’s separation.  We were guests of Karl & Mary Noren, and neighbors to our Gamboula buddies, the Turks, who are in Yaounde for this school year.  A gardener saw and …

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On my way back to Africa

blog 12 Barb in BelgiumBarb Swanson, long time buddy, lives in Belgium with her husband, Steve.  They minister at the international church in Antwerp and among the large refugee community there.  I had some very precious moments with Barbocasteve in the airport, catching up …

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Christmas tree time!

Before I left Indiana for Africa, I was able to enjoy our little family’s Christmas tree decoration time!

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So serious in the placement, so careful with the precious memory making ornaments!

blog 12 tree5Setting up 2 nativity sets in a very …

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Happy Thanksgiving!!

Yes, it’s snowing here in IndianaHappy thanksgiving!!
and this Gramdee’s heart is full to overflowing with thankfulness. Thankfulness for grandchildren, thankfulness for Skype to be able to be communicating with Roy at Gamboula – he had a great Thanksgiving, complete with …

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Emrie and her sisters

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You can imagine the joy of being with these three!  And these two as well! (o;

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I am soaking up the family time, being blessed with cuddling little Emrie, listening to Maia tell me all about what’s happening in …

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Happy Gramdee and Grampadee – please pray for our kids!

jkmmseas 7.13These are our kids, together for the last time last summer before Sam & Anna & Elaina & Sawyer (on the right) took off for Lesotho to work with Mission Aviation Fellowship.  Please pray for them as they adjust, for …

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The Turks are here for fall school break

Yippee!!  And look what they brought with them!  Besides 2 Swedish nurses, Lisa & Emma, who will be with us for 3 months, they brought our living room furniture for our house out at the CEFA farm.  They also brought …

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Packing up for a ride on a Cessna – single prop 5 passenger mission plane

Lori & Josh and their 2 year old are going to live in the boonies, and they opted to fly 2 hours or so rather than drive 14 + hours to their new home.   They will be studying Fulfulde and …

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The DHCPgives the IP and then there’s the MASK and the NIC but never forget the DNS

We’ve been blessed with our own personal nerd this past month.  Last week, he gave a few of us classes every afternoon, so we can try, and believe me, the operative word is try, to troubleshoot our satellite internet problems …

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Whoo hooo!!! Internet out at the farm!

Thanks to Josh and Timothy and Marius and their tree climbing adventures, we have internet available in our house out at the farm, 3 miles over hilly terrain from the satellite dish.   Josh masterminded a plan to attach a relay …

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