Category Archives: Family & Friends

Colorado siblings to Plymouth

My sibs, Paul, Janet, & Kristen, came for a short and delightful visit.  Maddie and I picked them up at Union Station in Chicago and we were hosted by dear friends, Rog & Eileen Thorpe for a night before driving …

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Timothy and Jessica

We were so excited to be able to see this precious couple make their vows, on April 4th, to spend their lives together.  Timothy was such a great help and good friend and next door neighbor out at the CEFA …

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Our dear, amazing friend, Rose Marie Norehed, passed away on March 19th, after a valiant fight against leukemia.  We first met her in 1998, when we moved to Gamboula, C.A.R., to join with the Swedish missionaries in their ministries to …

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Delighting in work in the veggie garden!

Just a quick before – before winter set in cold and hard, the guys rototilled a bazillion wheelbarrows of manure and compost into the garden plotblog veggie garden b4

and after!  The paths and planting beds are ready to go!  Can’t wait to …

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On being careful

I don’t know how many of you remember the awful story of our dear friend, Kim Cone’s, fall from a ladder almost 2 years ago now?  He broke his neck and ended up having surgery and delaying return to Africa …

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Easter! He is risen! Allelujah!

We celebrate the Messiah’s resurrection in so many different ways.  We gathered around a bonfire in Josh & Kimia’s backyard with family and friends, to sing praises as the sun rose early Sunday morning.  The girls dyed hardboiled eggs and …

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Seder – our version of the Passover meal



Josh had researched and put together a Seder celebration to do with some of his high school kids he’s mentoring, so he led our family through the same ceremony.  We do try to have a Seder supper before …

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How was our trip to the northwest? Great!!

First stop, Olympia, WA, with Brian & Linda Wiele, at River Ridge Covenant Church, very fun and caring hostsblog brian linda WA

complete with walks through mossy forests and along the Puget Sound

blog sound

As well as a whole group being willing to taste …

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Happy birthday, Maddie!

The snow was pretty thick for a few days, BUTblog snow

just before Maddie’s birthday party, green grass once again appeared.  Roy was out checking over the dormant veggie garden and whatever green he could find when Emrie went running out …

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Thanks for your prayers, Roy is fine!!!

blog seize the dayRoy had hernia surgery today, and thanks to your prayers, he is just fine.  Of course he had to get as much done beforehand as he could!  Here he is with our son, Josh, stacking the wood they just spent …

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