A local Fulani teacher/farmer, Mallum Nuuhu (Noah in English) has been a friend of ours since our arrival to C.A.R. in 1998. He and three of his sons (no, not Ham, Shem, & Japheth) are involved in working with us. His son in the photo, Haruuna, is showing some of the health pamphlets he helped translate, and his full time job is helping the Cone family. Another brother, Hammadou, works in our garden and will soon be working out at the CEFA project. Yauba, a third one, is turning out to be a talented tailor for the hospital, sewing mattress covers and surgical drapes, etc. A wonderful thing that all 3 of these brothers have in common, besides their general place of employment, is their eagerness to learn and willingness to read and understand the bible. They are Musxlim, and each of them is a sweet spirited and often times funny blessing to us here. Yauba helped a short term missionary learn Fulfulde with the bible as a teaching tool. Haruuna has read and discussed many books of the bible with the Cones. Hammadou is learning to read our kind of writing, Roman script, using simple Firm Foundations bible story lessons. He, like his brothers, is very capable in Arabic script, and is knowledgeable in the Qu’xran. Please pray for these brothers, that God would reveal himself to them in special ways! Dreams would be good – from my lips to God’s ears, right?