Glen Ellyn Kids for Clean Water in Congo

Post a Comment » Written on September 25th, 2014     
Filed under: News & Updates

Glen Ellyn Kids for Clean Water in Congo

Written by Randy Johnson, member of Glen Ellyn Covenant Church camp_project_2013

This summer the children’s ministry at the Glen Ellyn (Illinois) Evangelical Covenant Church held a Vacation Bible School in late July.  Their …

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Water on the Way!

Post a Comment » Written on September 16th, 2014     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update

Water Update

Contribution from Pete Ekstrand, Covenant Missionary based in Gemena, DR Congo

I beams for legs [800x600]

At a recent visit to the World Vision warehouse where they are storing supplies, Water Technician Frank was taking inventory of all the pieces that have arrived …

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Suzia Water Source

Post a Comment » Written on September 9th, 2014     
Filed under: Ground Update, Missionary Update

The Suzia Water Source

Another update from Covenant Missionary Pete Ekstrand on progress of the Water Project through Covenant Kids Congo.

water from capped spring [800x600]

Suzia is the name of the spring at the base of IPOK hill, past what used to be missionary …

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Water Project Update 2014

1 Comment » Written on September 2nd, 2014     
Filed under: News & Updates


Click on here to read up on the latest progress report for the Water Project.  Thanks to your partnership clean water is becoming a reality for thousands in Gemena!

Planned WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Activities include:

  • Construct three

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Ebola Confirmed in Equateur Province, DR Congo

Post a Comment » Written on August 29th, 2014     
Filed under: News & Updates

The Covenant Newswire posted the following article this week.  Please read on and encourage others to pray for those affected by Ebola in DR Congo.

Ebola Confirmed in Equateur Province, DR Congo

CHICAGO, IL (August 26, 2014) — Editor’s Note:

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Couple Makes $10,000 Matching Grant Challenge for CKC

Post a Comment » Written on August 21st, 2014     
Filed under: News & Updates

*Check this article out on the Covenant Newswire:

CHICAGO, IL (August 18, 2014) — A new $10,000 matching funds challenge will enable Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision (CKC) donors to maximize their contributions.

0818 Cov kids congo picture

For each new child …

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A Tale of Two Child Sponsors

Post a Comment » Written on August 15th, 2014     
Filed under: Child Sponsorship

 by Katelyn Tresh

We have an opportunity to bless the children of the Democratic Republic of Congo in a very
impactful way. These children live in mud homes, walk miles to their
nearest water source, and experience death of loved …

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Hope Sunday Guide

Post a Comment » Written on August 13th, 2014     
Filed under: Hope Sunday


The following information represents the best practices of churches that have organized a Hope Sponsorship event.  Find this information on the World Vision church partners site:


Thank you for your willingness to change

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Hope Sunday at Highrock

Post a Comment » Written on August 4th, 2014     
Filed under: Hope Sunday

A contribution by CKC intern Katelyn Tresh.

After announcements on the website, flyers and a personal note from the senior pastor, the people of High Rock Covenant Church in Arlington, Massachusetts had an idea that this church service would be …

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Ground Update: July 2014

Post a Comment » Written on July 15th, 2014     
Filed under: News & Updates

XQG5-1keDSPcrBe7QSDFk5tlV2kmYZqV6nzYKuyr6aI,3y32IpoLZgLdniGPstAYpTBO7GCy4tXbXMhg_rot-S8,j4sIwmRi7Pr5k5ouFwXnhs8utRGK5HAUaOfhV-rK_JYGemena kids getting water from their local source.

The latest from Gemena, DR Congo: Pete and Cindy Ekstrand have been missionaries in Africa with Covenant World Mission since 1981, and much of their time overseas has been spent in Congo.

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