Hope Sunday Guide

Post a Comment » Written on August 13th, 2014     
Filed under: Hope Sunday


The following information represents the best practices of churches that have organized a Hope Sponsorship event.  Find this information on the World Vision church partners site:  http://wvchurchpartners.org/hope-sunday-guide


Thank you for your willingness to change children’s lives!

Please use the information as a guide. Your church team will be able to apply their own creativity/resources on how to communicate with the congregation through these helpful ideas.



1. Confirm Senior Pastor support: An invested Senior Pastor drives the planning team, the message elements for the event, the amount of children sponsored and the longevity of the mission.

2. Create a dedicated Sponsorship Team: See “Sponsorship Team Roles” link below for more details.

3. Coordinate with other church events: Some churches have blocked two consecutive weekends or may extend up to (4) weeks. When possible, the best time of year is spring or fall, during a special church activity or sermon series.

4. Pre-Promote to the Congregation: Please see “Pre-Promotion” link below for more details.

5. Publicize event on church website: This option may be useful for your church if you use the website for communication to the public.


1. Prepare the Sermon/Message: The most successful sponsorship events have been shepherded by the Senior Pastor from the pulpit. See link for an example or view Pastors Brad Powell and Dave Gibbons online.

2. Display Child Sponsorship Folders: Please see slideshow for some examples.

3. Optimize traffic flow:

  • Set-up and Signage: Banners and directional signage for sponsorship tables is extremely helpful. Remember to set-up in “natural” traffic flow areas since congregants tend to have a regular route.
  • Bulletin Insert (pre-sponsorship form): This bulletin insert is passed out to church members ahead of time. This can be filled out prior to choosing a child to sponsor. Please see the attached example below.

4. Secure payment forms: Some churches have created a separate  “check-out” area where people will complete their form. Legally, we cannot  share personal information such as checking and credit card information, therefore as soon as the registration form is filled out for the child sponsorship folder, it must be sealed.

Follow-Up Activities

1. Wrap up after each sponsorship day: An assigned person (Accounting) will need to collect all sealed envelopes after each service and store in a secure area. Remember these documents have cash, checks, and credit/debit card information. All sealed envelopes will need to be mailed soon after the sponsorship event has ended. Please contact your WV representative and they will assist with processing.

2. Celebrate with an event: Extend the excitement by hosting a dinner/potluck with families in the church and offer an opportunity to pray for the sponsored children and the impact in their community.

3. Update the congregation: You may choose to update your congregation every 6 months or annually regarding the progress that is being made in the community where your children are sponsored.

4. Host a letter writing event: Continue the momentum by having a letter writing event for your church. Create an area with crayons, markers, paper, pens, etc. for decorating and sending letters. This can be a great way to provide an interactive family experience.

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