Couple Makes $10,000 Matching Grant Challenge for CKC

Post a Comment » Written on August 21st, 2014     
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*Check this article out on the Covenant Newswire:

CHICAGO, IL (August 18, 2014) — A new $10,000 matching funds challenge will enable Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision (CKC) donors to maximize their contributions.

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For each new child sponsorship made through the end of the year, Bill and Carolyn Ahlem, who attend Hilmar (California) Covenant Church, will donate $40 up to a total of $10,000. That places the target goal for the challenge at 250 new sponsorships.

“I am confident that Bill and Carolyn’s gift will inspire more churches to host a Hope Sunday and, in turn, encourage more Covenant members to join us in this effort,” said Donn Engebretson, CKC project leader. “The Ahlem Challenge will not only help us to reach our 2014 child sponsorship goal, but it will provide an additional $10,000 for the WASH project, which is a water sanitation and hygiene program for the children of Congo.”

CKC already is making big differences in the lives of children. Three schools have been built.

A mother who has children in first, second, fourth, and sixth grades shared with Covenant missionary Pete Ekstrand earlier this year how thrilled she was. “I am very grateful for this new school as it gives my children a good place to learn,” she said. “Here they have a good learning environment with desks, good blackboards, enough space, a good roof so the rain doesn’t bother them. My children can learn better in this good environment. My children also like going to school because it is a nice school.”

In addition to other projects, three new water wells are being constructed in the city of Gemena, and a spring is being restored.

Hope Sunday materials and opportunities to give are available online at the CKC website.

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