Gemena kids getting water from their local source.
The latest from Gemena, DR Congo: Pete and Cindy Ekstrand have been missionaries in Africa with Covenant World Mission since 1981, and much of their time overseas has been spent in Congo. Pete shared with us some learnings from his recent trip to the World Vision office in Gemena about the exciting work going on this month.
Our partnership with World Vision allows us to do more in Congo than just provide sponsors for children. Wells are being built, kids are getting educated, and sustainable communities are being developed.
Three new wells are in the process of being built in Gemena, as well as the restoration of a spring. The Water Management Committees continue to be trained, along with technicians, to oversee the building and functionality of the wells and improved springs.
Nutrition training for Mothers in Gemena
In Pete’s update we found a recurring theme of training. Many different individuals and committees are being trained to be strong leaders for their communities.
• Pastors and their spouses are being trained in the general management of cooperatives.
• 130 young, single mothers attended a 3-day training, where they learned how to make manioc flour with non-sour manioc. Made with non-sour manioc, the flour can be produced much quicker than without.
• The administrations of partner churches and universities are being provided training on personnel issues, including: recruiting, employee relations, and budgeting among others.
• Trainings are being held in Gemena and Kinshasa for the CKC partners in Congo.
• The Rights of the Child, according to DRC law, are continually being violated. Workshops were held to inform people of this injustice and of the rights that these children hold.
• “Dynamic Committees” are being trained (so far in 9 neighborhoods) to act as mobilizers within the neighborhood for World Vision initiatives and to serve as liaisons between the neighborhood and World Vision.
We are thankful that God is at work through so many people RIGHT NOW in Congo. Updates like these give us the hope that the people of Gemena are being resourced to build a bright future for their children. Thank you for your prayers and support!
Pray. Hope. Act.