words by jenny

A few weeks ago, I was invited to be a part of a holistic women’s health week.  It was a week of partnership, in the truest sense.  Local IPEE churches, Covenant missionaries from the US and Sweden, the Santiago Partnership, friends visiting from the US and Canada and leadership from the National Women’s Ministry of IPEE all came together to serve together and pull off this event that served the communities of San Gabriel and Punguwahku.

Spearheading the event was our colleague and friend, Annalea Egging, who since arriving last February has longed to create more safe spaces for women to be cared for.  After months of dreaming and discussing and planning, she pulled together a stellar team of women to serve and partner alongside these communities in the north of the country.  Medical care, dental care, counselling, access to a pharmacy and workshops on women’s health issues were all a part of the package for women who came to the clinic.

The woman were given access to very affordable care and, due to generous donations from supporting churches, were able to walk away with a Days for Girls bag filled with reusable feminine products and personal hygiene products.

Days for Girls

Days for Girls bag filled with goodies!

I was so grateful to be able to be a part of this week.  I was asked to help with the organization of running the clinic and just making sure that everyone was were they needed to be and that things were running (relatively) smoothly.  It was such an encouragement to me to be able to use my administrative gifts somewhere other than behind a computer!

The hope and dream is to have more of these weeks in the future and continue to create more space for women to be empowered to care for one another and share in life together.  Excited to be a part next time around as well!

starting each morning together in prayer

intake and vitals


Dr Lucy providing dental care

chatting while waiting

women’s health workshops

waiting room


working while waiting

playing with kids while they wait for their mom




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