This past weekend, a group of new students from the metropolitan area of Medellin participated in the first module in the Certificate in Old Testament. They met at Shalom Covenant Church on Friday night and all day Saturday and were introduced to the history, geography, and a general panorama of the Old Testament. There was lively discussion and many of the participants walked away feeling challenged and excited to continuing going deeper.
This is the second group of students who is participating in the certificate programs offered through the Biblical Seminary of Colombia in Medellin. The week before, another group of students, who had taken the courses in the certificate in Old Testament last year, have begun their studies in the New Testament.
Praise God for these new beginnings and pray for the process, that these encounters would be transformative as they study God’s word and interact with each other.
Do you have any problems in your ministry like they do in some parts of Colombia with the military groups trying to stop church activities? I am a member of Bayside Citrus Heights, and I want to bring your prayer requests to the Monday night Men’s Prayer group. Thanks, Steve
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Thank you, Steve. No that is not an issue at this time.
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