Regular donors to CWR are the sustaining force of our ministry. Would you consider becoming a monthly donor? Instructions are available on our website.
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Regular donors to CWR are the sustaining force of our ministry. Would you consider becoming a monthly donor? Instructions are available on our website.
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Our partner Bread for the World has come out with a great series of reflections for the season of Lent to help us remember to pray for those who are suffering around the world. Each week, we will include these …
When “Covenant Cares” was introduced to the Sunday School children of New Gottland Covenant Church, McPherson, KS, they wholeheartedly embraced it, choosing to provide sheep, at $60 each, for families in Kyrgyzstan, the second poorest country in …
10. New Projects
We have new projects in Cameroon, Chile and Kenya and 2 projects that have entered into phase 2 in Albania and Ecuador. Here’s a summary of what’s new with CWR…
9. Recovery in Japan is both Fast …
(click on the photo to see a larger image and to see where the photo was taken)