Disaster Relief

Drought Response in India

Post a Comment » Written on April 12th, 2013     
Filed under: Disaster Relief

India droughtMaharashtra, the second most populous state in India, is in the midst of a terrible drought situation. This drought is by far the most severe drought the state has seen in a very long time; in fact, it is even …

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Hurricane Sandy Response with Merge Ministries

Post a Comment » Written on April 10th, 2013     
Filed under: Disaster Relief

Merge Ministries is partnering with CWR as we continue responding to Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast. Below are a number of photos of a recent trip to New York.

If you are interested in working with our partners on …

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Mozambique Flood Response

Post a Comment » Written on March 25th, 2013     
Filed under: Disaster Relief

In partnership with World Relief, CWR is responding to a devastating flood that hit in southern Mozambique at the end of January. Following heavy rainfall that caused river levels to quickly rise by an estimated 10-18 feet, a massive flood …

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Japan: Two Years Later

2 comments Written on March 11th, 2013     
Filed under: Disaster Relief

Today, March 11, marks the anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan two years ago. Covenant World Relief is still working with partners in Japan, providing ongoing relief and development to victims of the disasters. Your ongoing

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Sandy Relief Assistance Continues to be Needed

Post a Comment » Written on February 27th, 2013     
Filed under: Disaster Relief

Relief cleanup work continues

BROOKLYN, NY (February 27, 2013) – Michael Carrion, pastor of Promised Land Covenant Church, says he wants to make sure that Covenanters know that although the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy is no longer front-page …

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