Because of this project, some of the children have become excited about putting aside parts of their own allowances. They have shown incredible responsibility, stewardship, and initiative in giving. Some love thinking of simple ways that the group can raise funds for this program. Some have become curious about how to serve more, whether that means supporting the work in Haiti, serving right here in their own schools, or serving across the world. I have loved watching how this curriculum has highlighted the children’s compassion, faithfulness, and creativity.
Using the Kids Helping Kids: Haiti material does not need to take a lot of time each week—it really only takes a couple of minutes to share one of the stories from the booklets and to pray together. However, we have chosen to adapt the project to make it the focus of one of our Sunday morning children’s programs.
One way that we have engaged with this project is through prayer together each week. We are creating a prayer chain that adorns the classroom. Each link on the chain has a prayer written or drawn on it for the children of Haiti. This has become a visual reminder for the kids to keep praying for people all around the world, it has also become a bit of a symbol of how our prayers and actions are connected
–Written by Victoria Gilmore, Children and Family ministry director at Northbrook Covenant Church and volunteer with Covenant World Relief.