Siddamma and Venkatalakshmi with their goats
Siddamma and Venkatalakshmi are a part of a group of 6 women in Settipalle village in Andhra Pradesh. In order to earn a living, they tended to another person’s sheep. However, conditions were terrible in their area, and they struggled to survive and care for their children. However, with a loan from this project, Siddamma and Venkatalakshmi were able to buy sheep of their own, and these sheep are multiplying! They are now able to sustain themselves and care for their families.
Mangamma is a widow in Kotagudibanda village in interior Chittoor District. Without support from her husband, she and her son were struggling to survive. She worked as a laborer in the nearby fields, but this job did not pay enough for her to be able to educate her son. With a loan from this project, Mangamma has been able to buy two cows, and they are growing. She is taking care of them and feeding them. Now she is able to sustain her family with the income from the cows.
Venkatarampalle is a remote and interior village near Cuddappah. The people in this village live at the mercy of the rich landlords for whom they work. A number of families in this village have received support through this project. For example, Venkatasubbamma was able to buy 2 goats which have since multiplied. Because of the money she earns from the goats, Venkatasubbamma is able sustain the livelihood of her family.

Venkateshwarulu and Subbamma’s new calf
Boggitivaripalle is a remote and interior village near Andhra Pradesh. It is a very backward and underdeveloped village. We have been able to support a few very poor families in this village. Venkateshwarulu and his wife Subbamma have three children. They struggled for survival as there was no work for them in the village, and they were unable to feed their children. With a small loan, this family was able to purchase a cow, who recently gave birth to a calf. The cow was a great blessing for the family!
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