Reflections on Haiti

Post a Comment » Written on November 28th, 2011     
Filed under: Disaster Relief
January 12, 2010, was a day of tragedy. A day that many people won’t forget, especially people in Haiti. We all have memories that we can’t forget, for me, it was the day my grandfather passed away. It was a day of sadness and a day of happiness. You might question; why happiness? Well, my grandfather was suffering with cancer and I witnessed him suffering for days, weeks and months. The day he fell into our saviors hands, was that day that I knew there would be no more suffering. He was home.

Yes, my story does not compare to Haiti and I will never comprehend the Haitians pain. But, CWR has allowed us to learn about the current projects in Haiti and they give people like me and you the opportunity to continuously learn. This is a start to understand the pain, and fight the cause of Jesus. Think about it; we can sit at home read CWR’s blog, newsletters, Facebook, and their website and this allows us to keep updated on the current projects. For an example, the clinic built in Elders village.

At the age of 8, Elder fell off of a donkey and suffered a fracture of his arm. The family made its way with Elder to the small clinic at La Coma several hours later. The only medical person available was only able to bandage him up and the hour long trek of getting him to a hospital began. Elder slipped in and out of consciousness as he was carried in to Centre medical Beraca where he was seen another six hours. He waited 13 hours until he received treatment.

Elder was saved that day. With the help of Covenant World Relief and Medical Team International’s investment in Haiti, many lives will be saved. They have developed a clinic in Elders village, in hopes to be the first urgent care facility with ambulance service and overnight observation capabilities.

Through your continuous support through financial contributions and prayer CWR is continuously supporting the Haitian people. Again, thank you and remember to keep updated on our blogs, newsletters, Facebook, blog, and website to find out our current projects in Haiti.

–Written by Matt Vickers, intern with CWR.

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