Posts Tagged ‘Pacific Northwest’

North Pacific Conference Celebrates ‘Stronger Together’ Theme

Post a Comment » Written on May 11th, 2010     
Filed under: News

SEATTLE, WA (May 11, 2010) – Delegates to the North Pacific Conference Annual Meeting celebrated the start of new ministries within churches as well as a strengthening of church planting efforts.

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Conference Meetings Shifting to Celebration Themes

The African American Minister’s Association (AAMA) is leading the denomination in an effort to bring clean water to the more than one billion people in the world that do not have access to clean water. Your donation will help reduce …

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Memorial Service Wednesday for Virginia Verme

Post a Comment » Written on May 3rd, 2010     
Filed under: News, Obituary

AMBOY, WA (May 3, 2010) – A memorial service will be conducted on Wednesday for Virginia Verme who with her husband, Robert, served for 23 years as missionaries in Japan beginning in 1949.

The service will begin at 2 p.m. …

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Services Pending for Virginia Verme

Post a Comment » Written on May 1st, 2010     
Filed under: News, Obituary

AMBOY, WA (May 1, 2010) – Funeral services are pending for Virginia Verme who with her husband, Robert, served as missionaries in Japan from 1949 to 1969.

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News Briefs: Covenanters Making Headlines

Post a Comment » Written on April 13th, 2010     
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Based on the biblical record, teaching/learning activities have always been an influential part of the fabric of God’s people and the church. Acts 2:42-47 describes the early church and includes “they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching” as an obvious …

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An Artistic Look at Stations of the Cross

Post a Comment » Written on April 1st, 2010     
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grow-dot copy2

I am the vine;you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; Apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

Invitation to GROW is a simple but comprehensive approach to …

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Stations of the Cross Photos

Post a Comment » Written on April 1st, 2010     
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LAKEBAY, WASHINGTON (April 1, 2010) – The works of local artists are being used for a Stations of the Cross exhibit at Lakebay Community Church as part of Holy Week observances. Following are additional examples of the featured art.


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Spiritual Direction Gaining Momentum in Covenant

1 Comment » Written on March 8th, 2010     
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Prayer is not just bringing our petitions and expressions of thanks to God.
Building a strong and intimate relationship with God involves communication – and communication involves both talking and listening to God.

Prayer Planning Guide

We encourage you

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U.S. Ministry Approaches Don’t Work Just Anywhere

Post a Comment » Written on March 3rd, 2010     
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MERCER ISLAND, WA (March 3, 2010) – Ken Lottis had plenty of experience ministering to college students in the United States and was confident his approach would be as effective in doing the same kind of outreach work in Brazil.…

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News Briefs: Covenanters Making Headlines

Post a Comment » Written on February 22nd, 2010     
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