Posts Tagged ‘Midwest’

Midwest Conference Changes 2011 Annual Meeting Date

Post a Comment » Written on June 14th, 2010     
Filed under: Announcement, News

OMAHA, NE (June 14, 2010) – The Midwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church has rescheduled next year’s 125th Annual Meeting to April 15-16, 2011.

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Story, Heart Tug Prompt Help for Freed Indian Slaves

Post a Comment » Written on June 3rd, 2010     
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OMAHA, NE (June 3, 2010) – A group of freed Indian slaves, who face eviction from land on which they have been living, soon may have a place to go thanks to the generosity of people responding to an email …

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Lanyon Pentecost Photos

Post a Comment » Written on May 28th, 2010     
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Your church can participate in the Veritas workshop through upcoming live events or by using the Veritas DVDs and workbook. Designed for both pastors and lay leaders, Veritas gives established churches a language to confront their current reality in a …

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Pentecost Text Read in Unison – In 16 Languages

Post a Comment » Written on May 28th, 2010     
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My story is not uncommon; these “things” have happened before. I am twenty-eight years old, but remembering these “things”, I am nine years old all over again. For so many years I have blocked my memories, not allowing myself to …

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Garden, Art Exhibit Helps Church Build Relationships

Post a Comment » Written on May 19th, 2010     
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General documents

Plan change request forms

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Grounded Flight, Train to Paris – Great Way to Explore the Covenant

Post a Comment » Written on May 7th, 2010     
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LINDSBORG, KS (May 7, 2010) – Bob and Carolyn Easley experienced their own version of the film “European Vacation” when their recent flight from Belgium to the United States was canceled due to volcanic ash that grounded planes throughout Europe.…

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Conference Meetings Shifting to Celebration Themes

The African American Minister’s Association (AAMA) is leading the denomination in an effort to bring clean water to the more than one billion people in the world that do not have access to clean water. Your donation will help reduce …

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Midwest Conference Welcomes Three Churches as Members

Post a Comment » Written on April 30th, 2010     
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LINDSBORG, KS (April 30, 2010) – Renewed growth in the Midwest Conference was celebrated during its Annual Ministry Celebration here April 23-24.

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Victim of Thailand Accident Returns to States

Post a Comment » Written on April 22nd, 2010     
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ESTES PARK, CO (April 22, 2010) – Tom Cousineau, executive director of Covenant Heights Camp and Retreat Center who was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident while traveling in Thailand last month, returned to Estes Park Monday night.

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Church Steps In to Preserve Town’s Easter Tradition

Post a Comment » Written on April 12th, 2010     
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grow-dot copy2

I am the vine;you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; Apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

Invitation to GROW is a simple but comprehensive approach to …

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