Waiting For Green…

No, this is not a post about ecological issues… I’ve just returned from our Akagi Bible Camp where we spent a few hours in the rain planting grass seed. Last October we were finally able to tear down the oldest section of the camp – which we had been hoping to do for a long time. Yesterday a few of us were finally able to gather up at the camp to start some cleaning and preparation for the summer season (campers don’t actually start coming until the end of July since that’s when kids get out of school for summer vacation). Although we have a couple more short work camps planned in July we wanted to get some grass seed planted now in the big open muddy area left after the building was torn down.

I’ll be honest…the poor weather was pretty discouraging in terms of opening up our old, rather moldy camping facility. Impossible to get things dried out and aired out. Yet, in terms of planting grass seed it may just have been ideal. We’ll see.  Hopefully I can get back up there in the next couple weeks and see if the brown has turned to green.

[vimeo id=”43966436″ w=”640″ h=”330″]

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