March 2010 Monthly Prayer Bulletin

(Photo:  Lilla taking a picture while climbing a tree here in Seattle. Yikes!)

Dear prayer partners,

March Greetings to all of you. Sorry about our lack of communication in February. It has been a time of transition for all of us.

WE’RE BACK IN THE U.S.!  (most of us)

Tim arrived back in Seattle on Feb. 1. Andrea, Lilla and Sky followed on Feb. 15. Sam is still in Tokyo attending school there but will join us in Chicago on March 20. That’s also the day that Andrea and kids will head for Chicago.  After a week in California at the end of March Tim will also head to Chicago. So by March 30th we will all be back together again after two full months of floating in various locations. It’s not always easy but we have felt very supported and protected.


Thanks to so many of you who have prayed and sent words of sympathy. We were able to hold a memorial service for my brother Rick on Feb. 19th in Portland, OR. He had died on January 5 (diabetic ketoacidosis) and while 6 weeks had passed the memorial service was a time of closure and encouragement for all of us in spite of the grief and sadness. Our time back in the northwest has given us a window of time to deal with some of the details and legal issues. We are grateful for First Covenant Church in Portland and to family members in the area who have helped us in so many ways.


We are finding it a great joy and encouragement to connect with ministry partners and supporting churches. Each Sunday from Feb. 7 until March 28th is filled with visits to churches as well as several gatherings and meetings on week days. We have 4 supporting churches in the Seattle area, 2 in the Portland area, and 3 in California. Visiting all 9 in two months is exciting and gives us a unique window into the ministries of our prayer partners. Seeing family and friends in the area has also been fun…..although there is no way that you can ever see EVERYONE you’d like to. Our brother-in-law Doug Pegors has played host to us and we sure appreciate this home base in Auburn, WA. Tel numbers:  Doug’s place: (253)856-2048  Tim’s cell: (206)452-9218  Andrea’s cell: (253)508-0231


April through August 10th will be in the Chicago area. We will be staying next door to Andrea’s sister Lisa and her husband Kevin and family in Geneva, IL. (see below for address). All three children will be attending school in Geneva for a couple months. We will continue connecting to churches, friends and family….will we have a chance to see you?


To our supporting churches….if you are interested in having us visit with you please contact me SOON. The schedule is pretty filled up and we are doing our best to make the most of our time. With over 20 support churches and partners in MN, IL, and MI alone we cannot see you all on a Sunday but we would love to make contact with as many of you as possible. This email address will be the best way to contact us.


Finally, we are in need of a car to use while in the Chicago area. We are willing to buy a car for those 4 months if necessary but it’s usually a losing deal for us on such a short turn around. Would you know of a vehicle that might be available for our use? We are not very picky although “reasonably dependable” would probably be helpful given our family needs. We also have a modest budget available should you be willing to “lease” us your car for that period. Thanks for any leads you might have!

Prayer Request List for the Fridge

  1. For our children as they continue homeschooling and prepare for school in Geneva,IL
  2. For our visits with supporting churches and individuals
  3. For a healthy balance of work and relax time while here in the U.S.
  4. For a car to use from April through August

We hope to see many of you in the days ahead!

Your partners in prayer and mission,

Tim & Andrea Johnson

Sam, Lilla & Sky


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