Visual Vitamins02.16.11
Here’s one of the reasons I feel lucky to be living in Japan. Happy Body Balanced Lunch Box is the cute name written across this lunch choice. Where else in the world would I get to eat this at a business meeting? After a morning of poring over pages of reports printed in tiny black characters, each little compartment of natural, edible art intrigued my weary eyes even before it nourished my body. I didn’t even wonder “Where’s the beef?” although there have been days…
How many items can you recognize?
( Row 1, Left: carrot, kelp, devil’s tongue, shiitake mushroom, bamboo, tofu, ginger; Center : bamboo shoots and mountain vegetables with rice; Right: okara (tofu lees) with carrot and shiitake mushroom. Row 2, L: multigrains (millet, amaranth, barley, etc.) and rice; C: grilled fish; R: rice with soy beans and black beans. Row 3, L: hijiki (seaweed) with vegetables, omochi (pounded rice) filled with sweet bean paste; C: rice with black sesame; R: spinach salad, Chinese steamed pork pastry)

OH, my gosh!!! Food!!! I love you Andy!!!!
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Posted by Julie on 12/13/09 February 16th, 2011 at 2:35 PM
…and there’s a lot more where that came from. Thanks for the reminder that we all gotta eat, and REAL food rules.
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Posted by Andrea Johnson on 12/13/09 February 17th, 2011 at 5:15 AM