Happiness is…05.27.10
In order to keep a true perspective of one’s importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him. – Dereke Bruce
One of the great things about living next door to my sister’s family for these months is that we have all the joy of owning dogs with none of the long-term responsibility. They have two Weimeraners, 11 year old Zoe and 3 month old Zeus. Life and power, love and energy. We’re all soaking it in! Cats will have to wait.

Andy, I absolutely loved the song. You made me smile today! I love the expression of God in you, even though when I spell your name backwards, it reads, Ydna……….what is that? Doesn’t matter. It all spells God to me.
Your sister and friend,
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Posted by Julie Wiley on 12/13/09 June 1st, 2010 at 11:54 AM
Andy, I loved this! So meaningful, so real. Thanks for sharing.
You are a fabulous writer. All your writings here. You have a special gift for naming and expressing yourself. May your pen continue to flow, as well as God’s expression through you.
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Posted by Eva Sullivan-Knoff on 12/13/09 June 1st, 2010 at 2:03 PM