Serving Globally At Midwinter!

Midwinter XIV’s theme of Life Together was deeply rooted in Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 4:2 to “be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”


Covenant World Mission (CWM) witnessed God encourage and challenge pastors, missionaries,


Missions in Sweden

Covenant missionary and church planter, Aaron Thompson, shares about the work God is doing through Brunnen, the church he planted in Gothenburg, Sweden. For more information about missions in The Evangelical Covenant Church or to make a donation, check out…


Adventure in Monteria

By Gary and Mary Lou Sander, Covenant missionaries in Colombia

Gary Sander, along with fellow Covenant missionary, Julio Isaza, recently spent a major chunk of time helping to put the second floor on the Family Restoration Center Iglesia, with a …


Bridge to the cattle pastures

By Roy and Aleta Danforth, Covenant missionaries to Central African Republic (CAR)

Kim Cone and a team of Fulani have been working on clearing a road from the main orchard and crop section of the CEFA land into the cattle …


Right on time

By Christy

In the six short years that I’ve been in the Covie Fam, I’ve gotten to meet a lot of awesome people that I now consider life-long friends. I got the chance to get to know some LTMs that …


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