Verdad?!?! It’s August Already?
Now faith is confidence in what we hope of and assurance about what we do not see – Hebrews 11:1

Where did the month of July go? It has been a very full, and very busy month for me. I left Canada and arrived in my new home country of Argentina. This has been a month of reconnecting and catching up with old friends. There have been many, many conversations about this past year and at times, my heart was very full. This has been a month of sharing some deep conversations about walking in faith, especially when we don’t see, don’t understand, and sometimes don’t agree with the path; and of course, all in castillano (Argentine Spanish). We seem to be understanding each other although there have been some great laughs as we each try to explain something. A mi me like; greek/griego yogurt and so much more!
I have truly been cared for here. I am absolutely part of so many families. And I know, very strongly, in my heart that I am where I am supposed to be. This was also confirmed when Pastora Leliana in Neuquen shared Isaiah 41:9-10 during a powerful time of scripture.
We’re on our way South
Love the keys here
Sharing wedding Memories with Pastor Ivan and Pastora Sandra, their family and other friends.That’s a lemon tree
There are so many wonderful memories here and it actually feels like home. I’m surprised at how much I remember and can find my way around. I am getting settled in Bariloche, have keys to my home where I am staying, have my bus pass and know my way to the school.
Oh and I almost forgot, you are all enjoying wonderful heat waves, times at the beach and on the lake and I am enjoying second winter. Cold rain, frost, snow capped mountains very, very close by.
I am looking forward to August, to a time of recharging and resting; to starting full time language studies and seeing how and where Christ is showing himself.
I continue to be thankful and grateful for each and everyone of you. For your prayers, your support, your friendship and your presence in my life.
Praise and gratefulness for the ECCC and the ECC – it is exciting, wonderful and I am humbled to be a part of this family – to be a Canadian Covenant Missionary! I am proud to be an ambassador for Christ with the Covenant!
Praise for the financial support that has already come in and for the support that has been pledged and on it’s way. This is a two year commitment and I thank you all for your partnerships.
Praise for all the details of this past month. All the travel mercies, wonderful encounters, great friends and amazing families.
Prayer and Praise for God’s guidance, wisdom, and leading hand
Prayer for the time of retreat, for beginning language school and for the ministry opportunities here.
Prayer for IPEA, for Argentina, for the churches, for the country, for the people.
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