Hope – Wonderful Joy – Faith to Trust – Complete Surrender to Obedience
It is June 8th, 2018 – This day looks VERY different from the June 8th, 2018 that we had envisioned on June 8th, 2017. So much has changed, and yet at the same time, there is a lot that has remained the same. The destination is the same; but the road to get there took a huge detour. How many times are we on a road and there’s a delay; a detour, an unplanned stop – whether to see something wonderful or because of an issue beyond our control? Do we still arrive at our destination, eventually? And sometimes that destination changes and is it not always better than we had originally planned?
I should put a disclaimer here because I’ve been out on the KLR and my brain is a bit dual sport rider focused. Sorry folks.
Many of you know that 1Peter1;6 is very close to my heart. ‘Be truly glad, there is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.’ I haven’t always been glad, I definitely didn’t think there would ever be wonderful joy ahead. I hatedthe trials I was being made to endure. But the destination; full time missions in Argentina, never changed; being a daughter of Christ never changed; having a loving God who feels this pain and discomfort with me never changed; having loving, caring family and friends never changed; the look of the future has changed; I have changed; I have endured and I continue to endure. But I stay the course. It’s like being on the motorbike and going over the Grey Creek Pass. You don’t turn around just because you don’t like how rough the road has gotten. You continue over the creek bed, the rocks and boulders and you get to the other side. Maybe with a few bumps and scratches, but most likely glad you persevered. I am still on the road, it has it’s rough sections, but I’m thankful and grateful that I am not the one who has to be in control of every little and big detail. I can see a clearing ahead that is full of wonderful joy. I don’t need to see what’s beyond that, that will come in the right timing. For now; I’m just breathing, hanging on, and continuing forward.
May has been another whirlwind month. It was wonderful to connect with so many at the Canadian AGM; have Argentine Empanadas at the Forks with great friends and travel around the provinces, yet again, in the little bumblebee. I am thankful to amazing friends and times of rest and renewing. I am grateful for so many on my drive back – Norquay, Durban, Minnedosa, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Malmo, Rosebud. I am encouraged and uplifted by so many in prayers, in support, and in knowing that there WILL be teams, individuals, couples, coming to Argentina. (I might have to get a calendar started for you all to claim your spot) There has been even more downsizing, packing, moving the final bits to storage. There has been laughter (so really…. how many pairs of cowboy boots can I take with me?), and there has been tears, the everyday reminder that we’re not going together. And through it all, there has been amazing friends at my side, holding me up.
The KLRs are on the road! This is definitely something I can do where the brain is not processing something and I am actually having fun. It’s also been special to have a dear friend ride Max’s bike. While he’s learning to ride – it’s been neat for me to watch (doesn’t matter how old someone is; they’re a teenager at heart when you get on a bike) – and I know Max is happy about it. The kayaks have been in the water too. Another wonderfully relaxing time away from the busyness.
What’s so busy right now? Well let me share with you for those of you who don’t already know. I am going to Gather at the end of June. The President of the Argentine Covenant Churches is going to be there. I am going to be visiting the two Covenant Churches in Surrey. I am visiting and saying goodbye to family and friends. Then……. (a second of suspense)…. I fly to Argentina July 8th, 2018!!!!!!
One month left to pack, finish the last details, enjoy the Kootenay summer and absorb all the sights I possibly can here. I am working on building in the pauses, the times of rest and fun while I am working on my ‘to do’ list. It already feels like this is a huge transition in life; and now the next big step, the next big transition, that clearing on the horizon, it’s all happening.

I do see the ‘wonderful joy’ that is ahead. I am excited and ‘truly glad’ for what is coming up. The ministry in Argentina continues to evolve and I am eager to see what God has already put in place for me, and how the next two years come together. There is still so much deeper dependence, deeper trust, continued surrender and complete obedience as I walk forward in this new life.
But much like riding the KLR, you get on, put it in gear, and go. There has to be momentum in order for it to stay standing. I trust that the other vehicles will stay in their lane. I have faith that as I turn the throttle, the wheels turn and I obey the open road; and I surrender completely to know, deep in my heart, that as I arrive at certain spots, I can look back and smile. Sometimes with tears, but I can smile and say ‘We’re here Max’. And I will obey and stay on the road that has been laid out before me; despite the potholes and rough spots.
What road are you on?
Prayer and Praise
Huge Praise and thanksgiving for the community of friends and family who continue to surround me and support me and be the hands and feet of Christ. Your conversations, your presence is appreciated more than I can express, and I can’t thank each and every one of you enough.
Praise for the current financial support that has already come in. This is a two year commitment and I thank you all for your partnerships. My goal is to be 100% funding before going to Argentina and I am already over 96%.
Prayer for strength and rest, discernment and guidance, for this grieving process as I prepare to leave Canada and continue this journey with friends and family in Argentina.
Prayer for the last month in Canada, trip to Gather and the conversations that will happen there.
Praise for warm sunshine, KLRs, kayaks and amazing friends to enjoy all of this with!
IPEA – Iglesia del Pacto Evangelical Argentina -as they move through the Vitality Pathway, and prepare for my return. For the ministry opportunities that are emerging – discipleship training, women’s ministries, being able to use what I have been and am going through to be a blessing for others

Support Options
I’d love to connect with you all. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about anything – Visiting your church, Missions, Argentina, ServeGlobally, Prayer Support, Financial Support
From Canada:
Mail your donation:
Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada
PO Box 23117
RPO McGillivray, Winnippeg, MB
R3T 5S3
write “Global-Argentina” in memo
Online: covchurch.ca/giving
– select Global Argentina
Etransfer to donate@covchurch.ca
– write “Global-Argentina” in memo
Online at … covchurch.ca/nahnychuk
From USA
Evangelical Covenant Church
8303 West Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631
write “Colleen Nahnychuk Support” in memo
Online: covchurch.org/mission/cnahnychuk |
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