The excitement of the next big step! Deep breathes!!

‘In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps’ Proverbs 16:9

‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ Joshua 1:9

Friends – I have exciting news to share. I now have a flight booked to Argentina!  The first week of July is when I leave Canada!  To click ‘complete booking’ was a moment full of eager excitement – God is moving forward and I am continuing in His will; anticipation – I know a bit of what it will look like there, but what will serving and living in Argentina really be like, what is already in place for this Kingdom work; and ok, maybe a bit of giddiness – I think I was grinning ear to ear; and at the same time also a moment of fear – God, are you sure?; hesitation – is this really happening? I’m not running ahead am I?, sadness – I’m only booking one ticket and this is another reminder of this new life.

I am calmed by the assurance that I am not alone.  My path is being directed, He is with me, before me and has gone ahead.  You are all with me, walking this journey, praying for and with me; yes, I am not alone.  And Max is with us and is the loudest of the heavenly hosts  I am grateful that despite my past mistakes, I am still being used, molded and shaped, into the image of a masterpiece designed by the Father.  I am affirmed in this calling and it has been a blessing to hear how God has already been working.  It humbles me and strengthens me when you share how you have been touched, challenged, encouraged and affected by what has been happening over the past year.

Thank you everyone for all your prayers, support, friendship and your presence.  The adventure and this journey continues for all of us and I am thankful for each and everyone of you.

Thank you for all of you who have been supporting financially, those who have made commitments, and those who are praying about this.  I am currently at 95% of my budget for two years. I cannot do this on my own and the finances are what gives legs to the ministry.  Thank you.

For churches and individuals that feel called to be a part of God’s mission in Argentina; I thank you and Argentina thanks you.  I am excited for these opportunities and for you all to experience what Max and I are so passionate about.


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