These four words have a whole new meaning, a whole new level of intensity to them for me. Since September I have been taught; no, am being taught, what they mean, how they now look and how my life is now being transformed by these words. Perhaps a future writing.
Every day, every moment, I now live a life of complete and total surrender. I no longer have all the details of this new life figured out and the ducks are definitely not in a row. Normally, for myself, as soon as there is a door or window cracking open, my mind races and starts efficiently listing out all the ‘to do’s’ that will need to be done. Yes, even before the door is opened all the way the brain has the next steps in place. Can anybody relate? I am learning to wait for the door to be opened, not pushing it open or squeezing through when it’s only ajar, but fully open; then… to step through – faith – without a ‘to do’ list in place; and that’s ok. I am learning to trust that what God has for me in the future is far greater than anything I could imagine. Even if I don’t agree or like the fact that Max is not a physical part of it. I am learning obedience – I still say Yes Lord, your will.

I recently spent 10 days in Chicago and got to experience my first Midwinter Conference. To say that it was INTENSE does not fully explain it. I had been somewhat prepped for the intensity of Midwinter and the fact that this was a first. A first ECC event without Max, first conversations with those we had met on the road, firsts in the ECC offices and so much more. I would be sharing about missions, and Argentina, doing my licensing and discussing the next steps. It was wonderful to connect with so many friends, new and old, from near and far. We’ve all heard it said that the Covenant is a giant family. I learned this truth firsthand. The amount of people that came up to talk about Max spoke volumes of the care, love and support within the Covenant. While my heart hurt to be there without Max and it was challenging at times, it felt good to be sharing about the journey. Being open and vulnerable about what has been happening and how God has been holding me was also a time of encouragement, strengthening and even some healing. There are a few more doors opened, things put on the table to ponder. Max would have loved Midwinter and I am very glad I went.
The week following I spent at 8303 (ECC name for the offices) and had my licensing interview, budget meeting and various other meetings and conversations. If you ever have a chance to go to our head office, I highly recommend it! What a fantastic place full of amazing people! There were serious conversations and lots of laughter too.
The support from Serve Globally is overwhelming and we are all working together to discern the next steps of timing for Argentina. No..I don’t know a date….but we are looking at various options and there is immense care being taken to make certain that tools and resources are in place before I go and for while I’m there. Yes, I am now a single, female missionary, Yes, I am a missionary in a country where there are no other Covenant missionaries, Yes, I am grieving while moving into missions, Yes, I will begin with language study in Argentina when I go. Yes, I am still studying spanish while here in Canada. No, I don’t know how the next few months are going to look, but I do know that there are some new opportunities and I am not rushing ahead. Not saying I don’t have a ‘to do’ list but I’m working towards not multitasking and efficiently ticking everything off before it is ready or needing to be done.
There are updates starting to be done to the blog. The story, our story, will remain – it has to. But this new ‘chapter’ will start to be written. The email address you will notice is being updated. There will be shorter updates posted on the blog ( to keep you all current as things progress – I am aiming to do these weekly so be sure to check back.
I want to also express my gratitude for all who have committed to partner with me. Both in prayer support and financial support. It has always been such an encouragement to us and it continues to be. The revised budget is being finalized and I am currently at approximately 76% funded. These funds are held with the ECC/ECCC to be used for ministry. You can also pledge for support to begin once a departure date is set. Your ministry support is also an important component of determining this date. Please prayerfully consider joining with me in the ministry of serving in Argentina. Support with prayer, financial support, and also by considering Argentina for a STM or Global Engagement.
For life, for fundraising, for the next steps – I wait patiently while moving forward. One foot in front of the other… One moment, one hour, one day at a time… but forward.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d love to have the opportunity to talk with you and share more.
Thank you for being a part of this journey and for walking alongside with me.
‘Jehova te bendiga, y te guarde; Jehova haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ti, y tenga de ti misericordia; Jehova alce sobre ti su rostro, y ponga en ti paz.’ Num 6:24-26
Prayer and Praise
Praise and thanksgiving for the community of friends and family who continue to surround me and support me and be the hands and feet of Christ.
Praise for the current financial support that has already come in.
Prayer for strength and rest, discernment and guidance, for this grieving process.
Prayer for what the next steps are, what the next several months look like and for when to go.
IPEA – Iglesia del Pacto Evangelical Argentina -as we learn together how this new mission looks
Support Options
Please note there are different websites for Canada and the USA
From Canada:
Mail your donation:
Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada
PO Box 23117
RPO McGillivray, Winnippeg, MB
R3T 5S3
write “Global-Argentina” in memo
– select Global Argentina
Online at …
From USA
Evangelical Covenant Church
8303 West Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631
write “Colleen Nahnychuk Support” in memo
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