Vacation Bible School!

Spider man and his Ritz cracker/nutella/ pretzel and raisin spider.

Spider man and his Ritz cracker/nutella/ pretzel and raisin spider.



It was an international group, Ecuadorians, Colombians, Swedes and 1 missionary from the States.

It was an international group, Ecuadorians, Colombians, Swedes and 1 missionary from the States.

This little girl is just too adorable! Side note: I had two meetings with my face painted like a cat. Embarassing: yes, Hilarious: Also yes.

This little girl is just too adorable! Side note: I had two meetings with my face painted like a cat. Embarassing: yes, Hilarious: Also yes.

Singing songs with Pastor Noé

Singing songs with Pastor Noé

Crafting with Monica... love her creativity!

Crafting with Monica… love her creativity!

Jorge taught origami to the older kids.

Jorge taught origami to the older kids.

Rosita taught the kids to make home-made, no-bake snacks!

Rosita taught the kids to make home-made, no-bake snacks!

Spiderman and Captain America. Only we pronounce it "Capy-tan".

Spiderman and Captain America. Only we pronounce it “Capy-tan”.

It was awesome to see the local body of Christ come together to have these 3 days of fun and learning for our kids.

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