36 Days!

We have some news! In 36 days we will be heading north for a Summer Home Assignment!

Why? Well we are glad you asked. We have been serving together in Ecuador for two years and our plan has been to continue serving another two before transitioning to become Long Term Missionaries. We re-evaluated this Spring and realized that we were in need of a time of refreshment, and a chance to connect with our families. Additionally it has come to our attention that we are still hovering below the desired amount of funds needed to continue doing ministry here, so part of our time will be devoted to support raising as well.

Where? We will begin (end of June) and end (middle of September) our trip in Houston, TX, visiting family and friends. Then from the beginning of July through the early part of September, we will be in Wisconsin and Illinois. We are so looking forward to reconnecting with all of you that we can!


What else? Well, we would appreciate your prayers! 1) For a restful as well as productive summer. 2) For guidance as to what God has next for us. 3) For an increased level of monthly financial support. Along those lines, if you know of any churches or small groups that would like to hear more about our ministry in Ecuador, let us know!

Thanks for joining us in our ministry to the people of Ecuador!

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

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