Hearth break and hope

6 comments Written on March 21st, 2011     
Filed under: earthquake

We’ve been here in Sendai for two days and haven’t had much spare time for anything including blogs. Most of our time has been spent establishing cooperative networks with local pastors and churches and delivering supplies to the needy. The …

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On My Way

2 comments Written on March 18th, 2011     
Filed under: earthquake

Well it looks like I will finally be going to Sendai. Until 8:30 this evening the plan was to leave at 6AM tomorrow but then the plans suddenly changed again as we are waiting for one more truck. So we …

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Another day in limbo

5 comments Written on March 17th, 2011     
Filed under: earthquake

Hydi and the kids took the train to Kobe today and the trip went more smoothly than expected. We debated whether it was necessary or not. It probably isn’t. But if you imagine an absolute worst case scenario in which …

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Emergency Vehicle Permission

1 Comment » Written on March 16th, 2011     
Filed under: earthquake, News

Yesterday’s major accomplishment was getting an emergency vehicle permit for my car from the local police. This gives me permission to get on the expressways in and around the affected areas. We are told that fuel is available once you …

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On Solid Ground

14 comments Written on March 12th, 2011     
Filed under: earthquake, Family, News

Seismological data would show that the ground around Japan is almost always rumbling, even if ever so slightly. But it only gets strong enough for us to feel every once in a while. I felt the earth begin to move …

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Being Covenant

Post a Comment » Written on January 30th, 2011     
Filed under: Family, missions

Yesterday was the annual gathering of all seven churches that make up the Tokyo District of the Japan Covenant. We converged on the Meguro Covenant Church for a time of praise, business, learning and fellowship. The theme for the learning …

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In Plain View

1 Comment » Written on January 1st, 2011     
Filed under: missions

There is a tiny village in northern Nagano, near Lake Nojiri called Okubo. It consists of perhaps 20 homes, fields of rich, dark black earth that yield rice, vegetables and some of the sweetest corn on the cob you’ll ever …

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A Season to Wait

2 comments Written on November 28th, 2010     
Filed under: missions

December is just around the corner. In the church this is always a busy month. Even the little house church where I am on staff has quite a full calendar. Members have been passing out invitations in the neighborhood for …

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A Year and a bit…

3 comments Written on November 19th, 2010     
Filed under: Family

Last night as I lay in bed falling asleep I was jolted by a staggering realization. A week ago Tuesday was the first anniversary of my mother’s death. The fact that I could have gone through that day, and another …

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Annual Conference

2 comments Written on November 13th, 2010     
Filed under: missions, News

We have just finished the 2010 Annual Conference, where we gather with our Covenant Missionary Committee co-workers here in Japan and spend time in ministry reports, accountability, planning, and prayer. We tend to have a lot of fun when we …

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