Roadtrip Photos

Post a Comment » Written on November 25th, 2008     
Filed under: home assignment, Jim's Photos

Here is a link to my online gallery of photos from my recent roadtrip to OH, PA and NY.


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Great Lakes Region Report

Post a Comment » Written on November 23rd, 2008     
Filed under: home assignment, missions

Well, it’s time for an update. I’ve spent a wonderful week in OH, PA and NY. Thanks to some superb ground work, I was able to visit eight churches in eight days!

Sun. Oct. 16  Bethany Covenant Church, Lyndhurst, OH…

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Upcoming schedule

Post a Comment » Written on November 8th, 2008     
Filed under: home assignment, missions

My scheduled visit to Relevant Word Ministries on Nov. 9th was postponed and will probably be rescheduled for a later date. 

Hydi and I will be going to the Midwest Conference Ministers Retreat on Nov. 10-12 in Estes Park. I …

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Back in the USA

Post a Comment » Written on November 8th, 2008     
Filed under: home assignment, missions

This evening I arrived back in Colorado Springs after spending 10 days in Japan. I was able to accomplish all that I set out to do, and then some. The renewal of my visa came through on Thursday. That was …

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President Elect Obama

3 comments Written on November 5th, 2008     
Filed under: News, politics
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I got to watch the final days of this presidential election from here in Japan. I hand delivered my early ballot to the county clerk in Colorado Springs a couple weeks ago so it didn’t really matter where I was …

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Sunday, November 2nd

Post a Comment » Written on November 2nd, 2008     
Filed under: missions

Today I visited a Covenant church in Chiba prefecture, just outside of Tokyo. It is called IBF (backwards for FBI…) Actually it stands for International Bible Fellowship and is pastored by Rev. Ino. It is one of the very bright …

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Day 2 in Tokyo

Post a Comment » Written on October 31st, 2008     
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I was awoken this morning by an early call from the immigration office. They were already going over my papers and asked that I bring in one more document. So I jumped out of bed and took it down there …

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Day 1 in Tokyo

Post a Comment » Written on October 30th, 2008     
Filed under: home assignment, missions

Well, I submitted all the forms for my visa extension and can only pray now, that they will process it in time!

I also visited a pastor friend and attended the fall concert at CAJ, where I mets lots and …

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Quick trip to Tokyo

Post a Comment » Written on October 27th, 2008     
Filed under: home assignment

Tomorrow I (Jim) am leaving for a quick trip to Tokyo. When my dad died in July we had to make some quick changes to our travel plans and ended up leaving Japan earlier than had been planned. That meant …

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Itineration Update

Post a Comment » Written on October 27th, 2008     
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Last Sunday (October 19th) I had the opportunity to speak at Faith Covenant in Colorado Springs and today (October 26th) I spoke at Centennial Covenant in Littleton. We thank God for these opportunities to connect with supporting churches!

Faith Covenant …

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