So I prayed for peace, I prayed for comfort, I prayed for courage and I prayed for composure. It probably goes without saying that God answers prayer, and yesterday was no exception! I even invited a couple of acquaintances; one who was baptized at that church as a college student in the early years and was extremely active. Another was a neighbor of our’s back then and a childhood playmate of my sisters. Unfortunately the neighbor wasn’t able to come but the other woman did come with her husband. I preached from the 1st chapter of Mark, the healing of Simon’s mother-in-law, the healings of may others and the savior who refuses to settle down in one place. I reflected on the excitement those four disciples must have felt in those early days of Jesus’ public ministry and drew numerous parallels with the early days of the ministry at this church. In the end I could only conclude that Jesus’ leading takes us to places least expected, but that’s the way it’s always been. And the goal throughout is to simply continue the work Jesus began, the work of proclaiming the good news and initiating the Kingdom of God through word and deed.
After worship I shared the slide show containing about 150 photos from my dad’s collection. In spite of the painful irony of sitting in an almost empty sanctuary and looking at 50 year old images of the same room packed to the gills with children, with young adults and with folks from the neighborhood, the striking contrast of sitting in a building that is run down, falling apart, and leaning so badly it makes you dizzy and viewing images of when the building was being built and proudly being dedicated… in spite of all that, the Holy Spirit was gracious and we actually had a wonderful time together. I can’t explain it, and I don’t have any insightful conclusions to offer. But it was good. Having the woman with us who was a member in the early days and was in so many of the photos was a blessing too as she filled in lots of details about the work and the people who were a part of it. So I come away thankful for answered prayer and somewhat amazed that I survived. My ongoing prayer is that whatever manner God chooses, that some how or another more people would have the opportunity to encounter the living Christ. We saw evidence in the photos of many people who were afforded that wonderful opportunity fifty years ago. May it continue to be so even today, even if it isn’t happening in that particular church at the moment…

My mom teaching a cooking class at church while I look on from my portable crib along with my sisters.
Sounds pretty important Jim. I’m glad you could be there, even through the awkwardness. Thanks for sharing. As usual, your Dad’s photos are priceless.
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02.10.15 at 1:09 am
Thanks for sharing this blessed-awkward moment and giving a glimpse into your heart as you prepared and preached to this small yet faithful church significant to your history. I couldn’t help but marvel at the tenacity of staying the course for 40 years — amazing. The photos are pretty incredible in telling the story….
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02.15.15 at 12:41 am